Kernel Density Estimation for Demonstration Purposes

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Documentation for package ‘demoKde’ version 1.0.1

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demoKde-package Kernel density estimation demonstration and exploration
demoKde Kernel density estimation demonstration and exploration
kde Univariate kernel density estimation directly in R code.
kernelBiweight Kernel functions for use with kde
kernelCosine Kernel functions for use with kde
kernelEpanechnikov Kernel functions for use with kde
kernelGaussian Kernel functions for use with kde
kernelLogistic Kernel functions for use with kde
kernelOptCosine Kernel functions for use with kde
kernelRectangular Kernel functions for use with kde
kernelSquaredCosine Kernel functions for use with kde
kernelTriangular Kernel functions for use with kde
kernelTricube Kernel functions for use with kde
kernelTriweight Kernel functions for use with kde
kernelUniform Kernel functions for use with kde