Delaunay Triangulation and Dirichlet (Voronoi) Tessellation

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Documentation for package ‘deldir’ version 2.0-4

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cvt Centroidal Voronoi (Dirichlet) tessellation.
deldir Delaunay triangulation and Dirichlet tessellation
divchain Dividing chain.
divchain.default Dividing chain.
divchain.deldir Dividing chain.
duplicatedxy Determine duplicated points.
getNbrs List Delaunay neighbours.
grapherXmpl grapherXmpl
lawSummary Produce a Lewis-Aboav-Weaire summary of a tessellation.
niProperties Northern Ireland properties.
plot.deldir Plot objects produced by deldir
plot.divchain Plot a dividing chain.
plot.tile.list Plot Dirichlet (Voronoi) tiles
plot.triang.list Plot Delaunay triangles
print.deldir Print some information about a tessellation/triangulation.
print.tileInfo Print a summary of tile information.
seaweed seaweed
tile.centroids Compute centroids of Dirichlet (Voronoi) tiles
tile.list Create a list of tiles in a tessellation
tileArea Area of a Dirichlet tile.
tileInfo Extract information from a tile list.
tilePerim Calculate tile perimeters.
toyPattern A toy marked point pattern object, with 59 points.
triang.list Create a list of Delaunay triangles
triMat Produce matrix of triangle vertex indices.
volTriPoints Solute plume concentration data set.
which.tile Determine the tile containing a given point.