Multiple Imputation for Recurrent Events

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Documentation for package ‘dejaVu’ version 0.3.1

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ConstantRateDrop Create a Dropout Mechanism with constant dropout rate
copy_reference Create a copy reference 'ImputeMechanism' object
CreateNewDropoutMechanism A function which creates a DropOut Mechanism object
CreateNewImputeMechanism A function which creates an Impute Mechanism object
CreateScenario Create 'Scenario' object from list of Fit Summaries
DejaData.object Data frame of covariates for simulating recurrent events
DropoutMechanism.object DropoutMechanism object
expandEventCount Expand event counts into a list of event times
extract_results Extract the results of running a scenario
GetImputedDataSet Output a single imputed data set
ImportSim Import an existing data frame for use with the package
Impute Produce imputed data sets
ImputeMechanism.object ImputeMechanism object
ImputeSim.object ImputeSim object
ImputeSimFit.object ImputeSimFit object
LinearRateChangeDrop Create a Dropout Mechanism with drop out rate which changes by a fixed constant after every event
MakeDejaData Create a 'DejaData' object
numberSubjects S3 generic to output the number of subjects in a given object
print.DropoutMechanism DropoutMechanism object
print.SingleSim SingleSim Object
Scenario.object Scenario object
simData Simulated recurrent event data.
Simfit S3 generic for fitting models
SimulateComplete Simulate a complete data set
SimulateDropout Simulate subject dropout
SingleSim.object SingleSim Object
SingleSimFit.object SingleSimFit object
subjectsPerArm S3 generic to output the number of subjects in each arm for a given object
summary.ImputeSimFit.object summary.ImputeSimFit object
summary.Scenario.object summary.Scenario object
summary.SingleSim SingleSim Object
summary.SingleSim.object summary.SingleSim object
summary.SingleSimFit summary.SingleSimFit
weighted_j2r Create a weighted_j2r 'ImputeMechanism' object