deducorrect-package | Deductive correction methods for sign, rounding and typing errors |
as.character.correctionRules | Rules for deterministic correction |
correctionRules | Rules for deterministic correction |
correctionRules.character | Rules for deterministic correction |
correctionRules.expression | Rules for deterministic correction |
correctRounding | Correct records under linear restrictions for rounding errors |
correctRounding.editmatrix | Correct records under linear restrictions for rounding errors |
correctRounding.editset | Correct records under linear restrictions for rounding errors |
correctSigns | Correct sign errors and value interchanges in data records |
correctSigns.editmatrix | Correct sign errors and value interchanges in data records |
correctSigns.editset | Correct sign errors and value interchanges in data records |
correctTypos | Correct records under linear restrictions using typographical error suggestions |
correctTypos.editmatrix | Correct records under linear restrictions using typographical error suggestions |
correctTypos.editset | Correct records under linear restrictions using typographical error suggestions |
correctWithRules | Deterministic correction |
damerauLevenshteinDistance | Calculate the Damerau Levenshtein Distance between two strings |
deducorrect-object | deducorrect object |
deductiveLevels | Derive imputation values for categorical data |
deductiveZeros | Find out which variables can deductively be imputed with 0 |
deductiveZeros.editmatrix | Find out which variables can deductively be imputed with 0 |
deductiveZeros.matrix | Find out which variables can deductively be imputed with 0 |
deduImpute | Deductive imputation of numerical or categorical values |
deduImpute.editarray | Deductive imputation of numerical or categorical values |
deduImpute.editmatrix | Deductive imputation of numerical or categorical values |
deduImpute.editset | Deductive imputation of numerical or categorical values |
getSignCorrection | workhorse for correctSigns |
getVars.correctionRules | Rules for deterministic correction |
hellerTompkins | Determine if a matrix is totally unimodular using Heller and Tompkins criterium. |
imputess | Impute values from solution space |
isTotallyUnimodular | Test for total unimodularity of a matrix. |
newdeducorrect | Generate an S3 'deducorrect' object |
print.correctionRules | Rules for deterministic correction |
print.deducorrect | Generate an S3 'deducorrect' object |
raghavachari | Determine if a matrix is unimodular using recursive Raghavachari criterium |
reduceMatrix | Apply reduction method from Scholtus (2008) |
solSpace | Solution space for missing values under equality constraints |
solSpace.editmatrix | Solution space for missing values under equality constraints |
solSpace.matrix | Solution space for missing values under equality constraints |
status | Create empty status vector |