Deductive Correction, Deductive Imputation, and Deterministic Correction

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Documentation for package ‘deducorrect’ version 1.3.7

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deducorrect-package Deductive correction methods for sign, rounding and typing errors
as.character.correctionRules Rules for deterministic correction
correctionRules Rules for deterministic correction
correctionRules.character Rules for deterministic correction
correctionRules.expression Rules for deterministic correction
correctRounding Correct records under linear restrictions for rounding errors
correctRounding.editmatrix Correct records under linear restrictions for rounding errors
correctRounding.editset Correct records under linear restrictions for rounding errors
correctSigns Correct sign errors and value interchanges in data records
correctSigns.editmatrix Correct sign errors and value interchanges in data records
correctSigns.editset Correct sign errors and value interchanges in data records
correctTypos Correct records under linear restrictions using typographical error suggestions
correctTypos.editmatrix Correct records under linear restrictions using typographical error suggestions
correctTypos.editset Correct records under linear restrictions using typographical error suggestions
correctWithRules Deterministic correction
damerauLevenshteinDistance Calculate the Damerau Levenshtein Distance between two strings
deducorrect-object deducorrect object
deductiveLevels Derive imputation values for categorical data
deductiveZeros Find out which variables can deductively be imputed with 0
deductiveZeros.editmatrix Find out which variables can deductively be imputed with 0
deductiveZeros.matrix Find out which variables can deductively be imputed with 0
deduImpute Deductive imputation of numerical or categorical values
deduImpute.editarray Deductive imputation of numerical or categorical values
deduImpute.editmatrix Deductive imputation of numerical or categorical values
deduImpute.editset Deductive imputation of numerical or categorical values
getSignCorrection workhorse for correctSigns
getVars.correctionRules Rules for deterministic correction
hellerTompkins Determine if a matrix is totally unimodular using Heller and Tompkins criterium.
imputess Impute values from solution space
isTotallyUnimodular Test for total unimodularity of a matrix.
newdeducorrect Generate an S3 'deducorrect' object
print.correctionRules Rules for deterministic correction
print.deducorrect Generate an S3 'deducorrect' object
raghavachari Determine if a matrix is unimodular using recursive Raghavachari criterium
reduceMatrix Apply reduction method from Scholtus (2008)
solSpace Solution space for missing values under equality constraints
solSpace.editmatrix Solution space for missing values under equality constraints
solSpace.matrix Solution space for missing values under equality constraints
status Create empty status vector