Fitting Differential Equations to Time Series Data

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Documentation for package ‘deFit’ version 0.2.1

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AdjustModel_func Adjust the model function
CalcDe_func Choose the core code by the model.
defit Fitting Differential Equations to Time Series Data
example1 Univariate second-order differential equation
example2 Bivariate first-order differential equation
example3 University of Michigan consumer sentiment index
JudgeModel_func Judge the model belongs of N-variable and N-order differential equation.
PlotDe_func Plot all data
scale_within Title
Slover_UniSec_func Core code of univariable second-order differential equation
Solver_BinFirst_func Core code of Binary first-order differential equational
Solver_MultiBiFirst_func Title
Solver_MultiUniSec_func Title