barChartRace {ddplot} | R Documentation |
Create a bar chart race.
Create a bar chart race.
ease = "Linear",
frameDur = 500,
transitionDur = 500,
colorCategory = "Accent",
sort = "descending",
paddingWidth = 0.1,
xFontSize = 10,
yFontSize = 10,
xticks = 10,
xtitle = NULL,
xtitleFontSize = 16,
ytitle = NULL,
ytitleFontSize = 14,
title = NULL,
titleFontSize = 22,
stroke = "black",
strokeWidth = NULL,
font = "Verdana, Geneva, Tahoma, sans-serif",
bgcol = "#CAD0D3",
panelcol = "#EBEBEBFF",
xgridlinecol = "white",
opacity = 1,
timeLabel = TRUE,
timeLabelOpts = list(size = 32, prefix = "", suffix = "", xOffset = 0.5, yOffset = 1),
width = NULL,
height = NULL
data |
The data frame containing the variables to consider. |
x |
The x-variable to consider. |
y |
The y-variable to consider. |
time |
The time variable to consider. |
ease |
The easing method, you can find more here <>. Defaults to 'Linear'. |
frameDur |
The time spent paused on each frame (time point) in milliseconds. |
transitionDur |
The time spent transitioning between frames in milliseconds. |
colorCategory |
A D3 categorical color scheme, you can find more here <>. Defaults to 'Accent'. |
sort |
Whether to sort or not the bars. Takes three values 'none' which is the default, 'ascending' or 'descending'. Defaults to 'descending'. |
paddingWidth |
The distance between each bar. The value goes from 0 to 0.99 included. Defaults to 0.1. |
xFontSize |
the font size of the x-axis labels. Defaults to 10. |
yFontSize |
the font size of the y-axis labels. Defaults to 10. |
xticks |
the number of y-axis ticks to consider. Defaults to 10. |
xtitle |
Optional. The title of the x-axis. |
xtitleFontSize |
The font size of the x-axis title. Defaults to 16. |
ytitle |
Optional. The title of the y-axis. |
ytitleFontSize |
The font size of the y-axis title. Defaults to 14. |
title |
Optional. The title of the plot. |
titleFontSize |
The font size of the plot title. Defaults to 22. |
stroke |
The stroke color of the bars. Defaults to 'black'. |
strokeWidth |
Optional. the stroke width of the bars. |
font |
The font family to consider for the titles. Defaults to "Verdana, Geneva, Tahoma, sans-serif". |
bgcol |
The background color of the SVG. Defaults to "#CAD0D3" HEX color. |
panelcol |
The background color of the panel. Defaults to "#EBEBEBFF" HEX color. |
xgridlinecol |
The color of the x-axis grid lines. Defaults to 'white'. |
opacity |
The color opacity of the bars (from 0 to 1). Defaults to 1. |
timeLabel |
Whether to show a label for the value of the time variable. Defaults to TRUE. |
timeLabelOpts |
Options for labeling the value of the time variable. Takes a list specifying the 'size', 'prefix', 'suffix', 'xOffset', and 'yOffset'. Offsets are scaled relative to the dimensions of the label, from the bottom-right corner of the panel. |
width |
Optional. The width of the SVG output. |
height |
Optional. The height of the SVG output. |
An animated SVG bar chart race, wrapped in a div.
# let's select a set of countries only
gapminder <- gapminder %>%
country %in% c("Algeria", "Mexico", "Iceland", "Greece", "Finland")
data = gapminder,
x = "lifeExp",
y = "country",
time = "year",
ytitle = "Country",
xtitle = "Life expectancy",
title = "Bar chart race of countries life expectancy"