dclone-package |
Data Cloning |
.dcFit |
Internal function for iterative model fitting with data cloning |
.DcloneEnvModel |
Manipulating dclone environments |
.DcloneEnvResults |
Manipulating dclone environments |
as.mcmc.list.bugs |
Fit BUGS models with cloned data |
bugs.fit |
Fit BUGS models with cloned data |
bugs.parfit |
Parallel computing with WinBUGS/OpenBUGS |
chisq.diag |
Data Cloning Diagnostics |
chisq.diag.mcmc.list |
Data Cloning Diagnostics |
clean.jags.model |
Write and remove model file |
clearDcloneEnv |
Manipulating dclone environments |
clusterSize |
Optimizing the number of workers |
clusterSplitSB |
Size balancing |
codaSamples |
Generate posterior samples in mcmc.list format |
coef.mcmc.list |
Methods for the 'mcmc.list' class |
confint.mcmc.list.dc |
Methods for the 'mcmc.list' class |
custommodel |
Write and remove model file |
dc.fit |
Iterative model fitting with data cloning |
dc.parfit |
Parallel model fitting with data cloning |
dcdiag |
Retrieve descriptive statistics from fitted objects to evaluate convergence |
dcdiag.default |
Retrieve descriptive statistics from fitted objects to evaluate convergence |
dcdim |
Cloning R objects |
dciid |
Cloning R objects |
dclone |
Cloning R objects |
dclone.dcdim |
Cloning R objects |
dclone.dciid |
Cloning R objects |
dclone.dctr |
Cloning R objects |
dclone.default |
Cloning R objects |
dclone.environment |
Cloning R objects |
dclone.list |
Cloning R objects |
DcloneEnv |
Manipulating dclone environments |
dcoptions |
Setting Options |
dcsd |
Methods for the 'mcmc.list' class |
dcsd.mcmc.list |
Methods for the 'mcmc.list' class |
dctable |
Retrieve descriptive statistics from fitted objects to evaluate convergence |
dctable.default |
Retrieve descriptive statistics from fitted objects to evaluate convergence |
dctr |
Cloning R objects |
errlines |
Plot error bars |
errlines.default |
Plot error bars |
evalParallelArgument |
Evaluates parallel argument |
existsDcloneEnv |
Manipulating dclone environments |
extractdcdiag |
Retrieve descriptive statistics from fitted objects to evaluate convergence |
extractdcdiag.default |
Retrieve descriptive statistics from fitted objects to evaluate convergence |
extractdctable |
Retrieve descriptive statistics from fitted objects to evaluate convergence |
extractdctable.default |
Retrieve descriptive statistics from fitted objects to evaluate convergence |
jags.fit |
Fit JAGS models with cloned data |
jags.parfit |
Parallel computing with JAGS |
jagsModel |
Create a JAGS model object |
lambdamax.diag |
Data Cloning Diagnostics |
lambdamax.diag.mcmc.list |
Data Cloning Diagnostics |
listDcloneEnv |
Manipulating dclone environments |
make.symmetric |
Make a square matrix symmetric by averaging. |
mclapplySB |
Size balancing version of mclapply |
mcmcapply |
Calculations on 'mcmc.list' objects |
nclones |
Number of Clones |
nclones.default |
Number of Clones |
nclones.list |
Number of Clones |
ovenbird |
Abundances of ovenbird in Alberta |
pairs.mcmc.list |
Scatterplot Matrices for 'mcmc.list' Objects |
parallel.inits |
Parallel RNGs for initial values |
parCodaSamples |
Generate posterior samples in 'mcmc.list' format on parallel workers |
parDosa |
Parallel wrapper function to call from within a function |
parJagsModel |
Create a JAGS model object on parallel workers |
parLapplySB |
Size balancing |
parLapplySLB |
Size balancing |
parListFactories |
Advanced control over JAGS on parallel workers |
parListModules |
Dynamically load JAGS modules on parallel workers |
parLoadModule |
Dynamically load JAGS modules on parallel workers |
parSetFactory |
Advanced control over JAGS on parallel workers |
parUnloadModule |
Dynamically load JAGS modules on parallel workers |
parUpdate |
Update jags models on parallel workers |
plot.dcdiag |
Retrieve descriptive statistics from fitted objects to evaluate convergence |
plot.dctable |
Retrieve descriptive statistics from fitted objects to evaluate convergence |
plotClusterSize |
Optimizing the number of workers |
pullDcloneEnv |
Manipulating dclone environments |
pushDcloneEnv |
Manipulating dclone environments |
quantile.mcmc.list |
Methods for the 'mcmc.list' class |
regmod |
Exemplary MCMC list object |
stack.mcmc.list |
Calculations on 'mcmc.list' objects |
stan.fit |
Fit Stan models with cloned data |
stan.model |
Fit Stan models with cloned data |
stan.parfit |
Fit Stan models with cloned data |
update.mcmc.list |
Automatic updating of an MCMC object from JAGS |
updated.model |
Automatic updating of an MCMC object from JAGS |
vcov.mcmc.list |
Methods for the 'mcmc.list' class |
vcov.mcmc.list.dc |
Methods for the 'mcmc.list' class |
write.jags.model |
Write and remove model file |