Distance-Based Measures of Spatial Structures

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Documentation for package ‘dbmss’ version 2.9-0

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dbmss-package Distance Based Measures of Spatial Structures
as.Dtable Converts data to class Dtable
as.Dtable.data.frame Converts data to class Dtable
as.Dtable.ppp Converts data to class Dtable
as.wmppp Converts data to class wmppp
as.wmppp.data.frame Converts data to class wmppp
as.wmppp.ppp Converts data to class wmppp
autoplot.envelope ggplot methods to plot dbmss objects
autoplot.fv ggplot methods to plot dbmss objects
autoplot.wmppp ggplot methods to plot dbmss objects
dbmss Distance Based Measures of Spatial Structures
dbmssEnvelope.object Class of envelope of function values (fv)
DEnvelope Estimation of the confidence envelope of the D function under its null hypothesis
Dhat Estimation of the D function
Dtable Create a Distance table object.
envelope.Dtable Computes simulation envelopes of a summary function.
gEnvelope Estimation of the confidence envelope of the g function under its null hypothesis
ghat Estimation of the g function
GoFtest Goodness of Fit test between a distance based measure of spatial structure and simulations of its null hypothesis
is.wmppp Test whether an object is a weighted, marked, planar point pattern
KdEnvelope Estimation of the confidence envelope of the Kd function under its null hypothesis
Kdhat Estimation of the Kd function
KEnvelope Estimation of the confidence envelope of the K function under its null hypothesis
Khat Estimation of the K function
KinhomEnvelope Estimation of the confidence envelope of the Kinhom function under its null hypothesis
Kinhomhat Estimation of the inhomogenous K function
KmmEnvelope Estimation of the confidence envelope of the Lmm function under its null hypothesis
Kmmhat Estimation of the Kmm function
Ktest Test of a point pattern against Complete Spatial Randomness
LEnvelope Estimation of the confidence envelope of the L function under its null hypothesis
Lhat Estimation of the L function
LmmEnvelope Estimation of the confidence envelope of the Lmm function under its null hypothesis
Lmmhat Estimation of the Lmm function
MEnvelope Estimation of the confidence envelope of the M function under its null hypothesis
mEnvelope Estimation of the confidence envelope of the m function under its null hypothesis
Mhat Estimation of the M function
mhat Estimation of the m function
paracou16 Paracou field station plot 16, partial map
print.dbmssEnvelope Print a confidence envelope
rPopulationIndependenceK Simulations of a point pattern according to the null hypothesis of population independence defined for K
rPopulationIndependenceM Simulations of a point pattern according to the null hypothesis of population independence defined for M
rRandomLabeling Simulations of a point pattern according to the null hypothesis of random labeling
rRandomLabelingM Simulations of a point pattern according to the null hypothesis of random labelling defined for M
rRandomLocation Simulations of a point pattern according to the null hypothesis of random location
rRandomPositionK Simulations of a point pattern according to the null hypothesis of random position defined for K
sharpen.wmppp Methods for weighted, marked planar point patterns (of class wmppp) from spatstat
Smooth.wmppp Spatial smoothing of individual dbmss's
split.wmppp Methods for weighted, marked planar point patterns (of class wmppp) from spatstat
summary.dbmssEnvelope Summary of a confidence envelope
superimpose.wmppp Methods for weighted, marked planar point patterns (of class wmppp) from spatstat
unique.wmppp Methods for weighted, marked planar point patterns (of class wmppp) from spatstat
wmppp Create a Weighted, Marked, Planar Point Pattern
wmppp.object Class of Weighted, Marked, Planar Point Patterns
[.wmppp Methods for weighted, marked planar point patterns (of class wmppp) from spatstat