nearPDToeplitz {dbacf} | R Documentation |
Computes the nearest positive definite Toeplitz matrix
Computes the nearest positive definite Toeplitz matrix to an initial approximation, typically a covariance (correlation) matrix of a stationary process. This function implements an alternating projection algorithm that combines Grigoriadis et al. (1994) and Higham (2002). For further details see Section 5 of Tecuapetla-Gómez and Munk (2017).
type = c("covariance", "correlation"),
toleranceEigen = 1e-06,
toleranceConvergence = 1e-06,
tolerancePosDef = 1e-06,
maxIterations = 100,
doEigen = TRUE
matrix |
a symmetric matrix. |
type |
string indicating whether the elements of the main
diagonal must be all equal to 1 ( |
toleranceEigen |
defines relative positiveness of eigenvalues compared to largest one. |
toleranceConvergence |
numeric indicating convergence tolerance for alternating projection algorithm. |
tolerancePosDef |
tolerance for forcing positive definiteness (in the final step) of alternating projection algorithm. |
maxIterations |
integer giving maximum number of iterations
allowed in alternating projection algorithm; when
this number is exceeded without convergence
a warning is displayed and matrix computed in step
doEigen |
logical indicating whether finding the closest positive definite matrix -through a eigen step- should be applied to the result of the alternating projection algorithm. |
This function is based on an alternating projection algorithm which
involves projecting sequentially and iteratively the initial matrix into the
set of symmetric positive definite and into the space of Toeplitz matrices,
respectively. The iteration process will stop because either a criterion
of convergence is met or maxIterations
has been exceeded (without convergence).
Criterion of convergence: if the Frobenius norm of the difference of the
projection matrices computed in the last two iterations of the algorithm
is smaller than toleranceConvergence
, then the algorithm stops returning
the projection matrix computed in the last iteration.
When projecting onto the set of symmetric positive definite matrices, toleranceEigen
controls the relative magnitude of any eigenvalue with
respect to the largest one
and all eigenvalues
are treated as zero if
A list containing:
projection |
a matrix, the computed symmetric positive definite Toeplitz matrix. |
normF |
Frobenius norm of the difference between original and projection matrix. |
iterations |
number of iterations used for alternating projection algorithm. |
relativeTolerance |
numeric giving relative error (in Frobenius norm) of final approximation with respect to original matrix. |
converged |
logical indicating if alternating projection algorithm converged. |
Grigoriadis, K.M., Frazho, A., Skelton, R. (1994). Application of alternating convex projection methods for computation of positive Toeplitz matrices, IEEE Transactions on signal processing 42(7), 1873–1875.
N. Higham (2002). Computing the nearest correlation matrix - a problem from finance, Journal of Numerical Analysis 22, 329–343.
Tecuapetla-Gómez, I and Munk, A. (2017). Autocovariance
estimation in regression with a discontinuous signal and -dependent errors: A
difference-based approach. Scandinavian Journal of Statistics, 44(2), 346–368.
See Also
, projectToeplitz
, posdefify
# Higham (2002), p. 334
(mat <- matrix(c(1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1), byrow = TRUE, ncol = 3))
matProj <- matrix(c(1, 0.7607, 0.1573, 0.7607, 1, 0.7607, 0.1573, 0.7607, 1),
byrow = TRUE, ncol = 3)
nrPDT.mat <- nearPDToeplitz(mat, type = "correlation")
stopifnot( identical(unname(matProj), unname(round(as.matrix(nrPDT.mat$projection),
digits=4) ) ))
# Toeplitz banded matrix near to the covariance matrix of 100 realizations
# of an MA(5) with following parameters:
n <- 1e2
alphas <- c(-2, 0.5, -4, 0, 0.75)
(true.acf <- ARMAacf(ma = alphas))
alphasMat <- symBandedToeplitz(true.acf, n = n)
stopifnot( min(eigen(alphasMat)$values) > 0 ) # alphasMat is a positive definite matrix
(l <- length(true.acf))
(acf.modified <- c(true.acf[-c(l - 1, l)], 0.25)) # modifying original acf
x <- acf.modified
acfMat <- symBandedToeplitz(x, n = n)
# no. of non positive eigenvalues of acfMat (6)
length( eigen(acfMat)$values[eigen(acfMat)$values < 0 ] )
# acfMat is a 100 x 100 symmetric banded Toeplitz matrix
acfMat[1:15, 1:30]
system.time(nrPDT.acfMat <- nearPDToeplitz(acfMat, type = "correlation"))
y <- eigen(nrPDT.acfMat$projection)$values
# no. of non positive eigenvalues of nrPDT.acfMat
length( y[ y < 0 ] ) # none!