dbacf-package {dbacf}R Documentation

Autocovariance function estimation via difference-based methods


Difference-based (auto)covariance/correlation estimation in change point regression with stationary errors.

Provides bias-reducing methods for (auto)covariance-correlation estimation in change point regression with stationary mm-dependent errors without having to pre-estimate the underlying signal of the observations. In the same spirit, provides a robust estimator of the autorregressive coefficient in change point regression with stationary, AR(1)AR(1) errors. It also includes a general projection-based method for covariance matrix estimation.

Autocovariance Estimation

dbacf returns and plots by default (auto)covariance/correlation estimates without pre-estimating the underlying not necessarily smooth signal of observations with stationary mm-dependent errors. The corresponding plot method plot.dbacf allows for adjusting graphical parameters to users' liking. This method is based on plot.acf.

dbacf_AR1 returns (auto)covariance/correlation estimates while circumventing the difficult estimation of the underlying change point regression function from observations with stationary AR(1)AR(1) errors.

Covariance Matrix Estimation

Given a matrix estimate, not necessarily positive definite, of the covariance matrix of a stationary process, nearPDToeplitz returns the nearest, in the Frobenius norm, covariance matrix to the initial estimate. See projectToeplitz for the projection of a given symmetric matrix onto the space of Toeplitz matrices. See also symBandedToeplitz for creating a (stationary process' large covariance) matrix by specifying its dimension and values of its autocovariance function.


Tecuapetla-Gómez, I. itecuap@conabio.gob.mx


Grigoriadis, K.M., Frazho, A., Skelton, R. (1994). Application of alternating convex projection methods for computation of positive Toeplitz matrices, IEEE Transactions on signal processing 42(7), 1873–1875.

N. Higham (2002). Computing the nearest correlation matrix - a problem from finance, Journal of Numerical Analysis 22, 329–343.

Tecuapetla-Gómez, I and Munk, A. (2017). Autocovariance estimation in regression with a discontinuous signal and mm-dependent errors: A difference-based approach. Scandinavian Journal of Statistics, 44(2), 346–368.

Levine, M. and Tecuapetla-Gómez, I. (2023). Autocovariance function estimation via difference schemes for a semiparametric change point model with mm-dependent errors. Submitted.

[Package dbacf version 0.2.8 Index]