createHTMLFormFunction {dbWebForms} | R Documentation |
Based on the columns in a table, produces a R function with parameters for each column that produces a HTML form when called.
Based on the columns in a table, produces a R function with parameters for each column that produces a HTML form when called.
form_method = "POST",
add_csrf_param = TRUE,
form_class = NULL,
input_class = NULL,
submit_class = NULL,
submit_label = "Save",
required_span_class = NULL,
required_span_label = NULL,
labels = c(),
select = c(),
exclude = c(),
optional = c(),
custom_input_types = list()
filepath |
A string, the file path including the name and file type extension where the output will be written. |
function_name |
A string, the name of the function to be written to the file path. |
form_method |
A string, the method attribute for the HTML form tag, likely "GET" or "POST". |
add_csrf_param |
TRUE/FALSE, if TRUE, adds a parameter for passing a value to a hidden input with a name of "crsf_token". |
form_class |
A string, the class attribute for the HTML form tag. |
input_class |
A string, the class attribute for the div tag wrapping the HTML inputs. |
submit_class |
A string, the class attribute for the HTML button tag used to submit the form. |
submit_label |
A string, the label attribute for the HTML button tag used to submit the form. |
required_span_class |
A string, the class attribute for the HTML span tag optionally added to required fields. |
required_span_label |
A string, the message for the HTML span tag optionally added to required fields. |
x |
A data.table, should have a column of input ids (used for input names as well), and a column of HTML input types. |
id_col |
A string, the column of x containing the HTML input ids. |
type_col |
A string, the column of x containing the HTML input types (usually created by calling dbTypeToHTMLInputType()) . |
labels |
A named character vector, names are the ids of the inputs and values are the labels to use. If a column is not specified here, the default label is the result of namesToLabels() called for each input id. |
select |
A character vector, ids included here will become select tags rather than input tags and a function parameter will be added to pass options. |
exclude |
A character vector, ids included here will not be included as parameters for the resultant function. |
optional |
A character vector, ids included here will not be marked as required inputs in the relevant HTML tags. |
custom_input_types |
A named list of character vectors, names are the column ids, character vectors must have an entry named type with a value for the HTML input type to be used and additional attributes can be included as subsequent named values in the character vector. |
A character vector, the HTML input type and attributes likely associated with the SQL data type.
filepath = paste0(tempdir(), "/", "testHTMLFormFunction.R"),
function_name = "example_function",
form_method = "POST",
add_csrf_param = TRUE,
form_class ="pure-form pure-form-aligned",
input_class = "pure-control-group",
submit_class = "pure-button pure-button-primary",
submit_label = "Save",
required_span_class = "pure-form-message-inline",
required_span_label = "Required field",
x =
ids = c("user_id", "user_name", "first_name", "last_name", "state"),
types = c("number", "text", "text", "text", "text")
id_col = "ids",
type_col = "types",
labels = c(user_name = "Account Name"),
select = c("state"),
exclude = c("user_id"),
optional = c("first_name", "last_name"),
custom_input_types = list(user_name = c(type = "email", minlength = 5))