Simplify Access to Data from the Amazon Region

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Documentation for package ‘datazoom.amazonia’ version 1.1.0

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dbc2dbf Decompress a DBC (compressed DBF) file
load_aneel ANEEL
load_baci BACI - Global international trade
load_br_trade Comex - Brazilian external trade
load_cempre CEMPRE - Central Register of Companies
load_censoagro Censo Agropecuario
load_climate TerraClimate - Climate monitoring
load_datasus DATASUS - Mortality, hospitalizations and hospital beds
load_degrad Degrad - Forest Degradation in the Brazilian Amazon
load_deter DETER - Forest Degradation in the Brazilian Amazon
load_epe EPE
load_ibama IBAMA - Brazilian Institute for the Environment and Renewable Natural Resources
load_iema IEMA - Institute of Environment and Water Resources
load_imazon IMAZON - Deforestation pressure by municipality
load_ips IPS - Amazon Social Progress Index
load_mapbiomas MAPBIOMAS - The Annual Land Cover and Use Mapping Project in Brazil
load_pam PAM - Municipal Agricultural Production
load_pevs PEVS - Forestry Activities
load_pibmunic PIB MUNICIPAL - Municipal GDP
load_population Population
load_ppm PPM - Municipal Livestock Production
load_prodes PRODES - Deforestation Monitoring Project in the Legal Amazon by Satellite
load_seeg Greenhouse gas emission estimates (SEEG)
load_sigmine SIGMINE - Mining Geographic Information System
municipalities IBGE codes and Legal Amazon identification of Brazilian municipalities
municipalities_biomes IBGE codes and MAPBIOMAS id of Brazilian municipalities and biomes
read.dbc Read Data Stored in DBC (Compressed DBF) Files