rule {dataverifyr}R Documentation

Creates a single data rule


Creates a single data rule


rule(expr, name = NA, allow_na = FALSE, negate = FALSE, ...)

## S3 method for class 'rule'
print(x, ...)



an expression which dictates which determines when a rule is good. Note that the expression is evaluated in check_data(), within the given framework. That means, for example if a the data given to check_data() is an arrow dataset, the expression must be mappable from arrow (see also arrow documentation). The expression can be given as a string as well.


an optional name for the rule for reference


does the rule allow for NA values in the data? default value is FALSE. Note that when NAs are introduced in the expression, allow_na has no effect. Eg when the rule as.numeric(vs) %in% c(0, 1) finds the values of vs as c("1", "A"), the rule will throw a fail regardless of the value of allow_na as the NA is introduced in the expression and is not found in the original data. However, when the values of vs are c("1", NA), allow_na will have an effect.


is the rule negated, only applies to the expression not allow_na, that is, if expr = mpg > 10, allow_na = TRUE, and negate = TRUE, it would match all mpg <= 10 as well as NAs.


additional arguments that are carried along for your documentation, but are not used. Could be for example date, person, contact, comment, etc


a rule to print


The rule values as a list

Methods (by generic)


r <- rule(mpg > 10)

r2 <- rule(mpg > 10, name = "check that mpg is reasonable", allow_na = TRUE,
           negate = FALSE, author = "me", date = Sys.Date())

check_data(mtcars, r)

rs <- ruleset(
  rule(mpg > 10),
  rule(cyl %in% c(4, 6)), # missing 8
  rule(qsec >= 14.5 & qsec <= 22.9)
check_data(mtcars, rs)

[Package dataverifyr version 0.1.8 Index]