addWaterYear |
add a water year column |
calcWaterYear |
Extract WY from a date |
checkWQPdates |
Date Check for Water Quality Portal |
constructNWISURL |
Construct NWIS url for data retrieval |
constructUseURL |
Construct URL for NWIS water use data service |
constructWQPURL |
Construct WQP url for data retrieval |
countyCd |
US County Code Lookup Table |
countyCdLookup |
County code look up |
create_NWIS_bib |
Create NWIS data citation |
create_WQP_bib |
Create WQP data citation |
findNLDI |
R Client for the Network Linked Data Index |
getQuerySummary |
getting header information from a WQP query |
getWebServiceData |
Function to return data from web services |
get_nldi_sources |
Get current NLDI offerings |
importNGWMN |
Function to return data from the National Ground Water Monitoring Network waterML2 format |
importRDB1 |
Function to return data from the NWIS RDB 1.0 format |
importWaterML1 |
Function to return data from the NWISWeb WaterML1.1 service |
importWaterML2 |
Parse the WaterML2 timeseries portion of a waterML2 file |
importWQP |
Basic Water Quality Portal Data parser |
is_dataRetrieval_user |
Is this a dataRetrieval user |
parameterCdFile |
List of USGS parameter codes |
pcode_to_name |
Parameter code to characteristic name |
readNGWMNdata |
Import data from the National Groundwater Monitoring Network <>. |
readNGWMNlevels |
Retrieve groundwater levels from the National Ground Water Monitoring Network <>. |
readNGWMNsites |
Retrieve site data from the National Ground Water Monitoring Network <>. |
readNWISdata |
General Data Import from NWIS |
readNWISdv |
Daily Value USGS NWIS Data Retrieval |
readNWISgwl |
Groundwater level measurements retrieval from USGS (NWIS) |
readNWISmeas |
Surface-water measurement data retrieval from USGS (NWIS) |
readNWISpCode |
USGS Parameter Data Retrieval |
readNWISpeak |
Peak flow data from USGS (NWIS) |
readNWISqw |
Raw Data Import for USGS NWIS QW Data |
readNWISrating |
Rating table for an active USGS streamgage retrieval |
readNWISsite |
USGS Site File Data Retrieval |
readNWISstat |
Site statistics retrieval from USGS (NWIS) |
readNWISuse |
Water use data retrieval from USGS (NWIS) |
readNWISuv |
Instantaneous value data retrieval from USGS (NWIS) |
readWQPdata |
General Data Import from Water Quality Portal |
readWQPqw |
Raw Data Import for Water Quality Portal |
readWQPsummary |
Summary of Data Available from Water Quality Portal |
renameNWISColumns |
renameColumns |
setAccess |
Set data endpoint |
stateCd |
US State Code Lookup Table |
stateCdLookup |
State code look up |
whatNWISdata |
USGS data availability |
whatNWISsites |
Site Data Import from NWIS |
whatWQPdata |
Data Available from Water Quality Portal |
whatWQPmetrics |
Site Data Import from Water Quality Portal |
whatWQPsamples |
Site Data Import from Water Quality Portal |
whatWQPsites |
Site Data Import from Water Quality Portal |
zeroPad |
Pad string with leading zeros |