adult | Adult for UCI repository |
aggregate_by_key | Automatic data_set aggregation by key |
as.POSIXct_fast | Faster date transformation |
build_bins | Compute bins |
build_date_factor | Date Factor |
build_encoding | Compute encoding |
build_scales | Compute scales |
build_target_encoding | Build target encoding |
compute_probability_ratio | Compute probability ratio |
compute_weight_of_evidence | Compute weight of evidence |
data_preparation_news | Show the NEWS file |
date_format_unifier | Unify dates format |
description | Describe data set |
fast_discretization | Discretization |
fast_filter_variables | Filtering useless variables |
fast_handle_na | Handle NA values |
fast_is_equal | Fast checks of equality |
fast_round | Fast round |
fast_scale | scale |
find_and_transform_dates | Identify date columns |
find_and_transform_numerics | Identify numeric columns in a data_set set |
generate_date_diffs | Date difference |
generate_factor_from_date | Generate factor from dates |
generate_from_character | Recode character |
generate_from_factor | Recode factor |
get_most_frequent_element | Get most frequent element |
identify_dates | Identify date columns |
messy_adult | Adult with some ugly columns added |
one_hot_encoder | One hot encoder |
prepare_set | Preparation pipeline |
remove_percentile_outlier | Percentile outlier filtering |
remove_rare_categorical | Filter rare categories |
remove_sd_outlier | Standard deviation outlier filtering |
same_shape | Give same shape |
set_as_numeric_matrix | Numeric matrix preparation for Machine Learning. |
set_col_as_character | Set columns as character |
set_col_as_date | Set columns as POSIXct |
set_col_as_factor | Set columns as factor |
set_col_as_numeric | Set columns as numeric |
shape_set | Final preparation before ML algorithm |
target_encode | Target encode |
tiny_messy_adult | First 500 rows of 'messy_adult' |
un_factor | Unfactor factor with too many values |
which_are_bijection | Identify bijections |
which_are_constant | Identify constant columns |
which_are_included | Identify columns that are included in others |
which_are_in_double | Identify double columns |