General Purpose Hierarchical Data Structure

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Documentation for package ‘data.tree’ version 1.1.0

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acme Sample Data: A Simple Company with Departments
Aggregate Aggregate child values of a 'Node', recursively.
AreNamesUnique Test whether all node names are unique. Convert a 'data.tree' structure to a 'data.frame'
as.dendrogram.Node Convert a 'Node' to a 'dendrogram'
as.igraph.Node Convert a 'data.tree' structure to an igraph network
as.list.Node Convert a 'data.tree' structure to a list-of-list structure
as.Node Convert an object to a 'data.tree' data structure
as.Node.BinaryTree Convert a a 'SplitNode' from the party package to a 'data.tree' structure. Convert a 'data.frame' to a 'data.tree' structure
as.Node.dendrogram Convert a 'dendrogram' to a data.tree 'Node'
as.Node.list Convert a nested 'list' structure to a 'data.tree' structure Convert a a 'party' from the partykit package to a 'data.tree' structure.
as.Node.phylo Convert a 'phylo' object from the ape package to a 'Node'
as.Node.rpart Convert an 'rpart' object to a 'data.tree' structure
as.phylo.Node Convert a 'Node' to a phylo object from the ape package.
averageBranchingFactor Calculate the average number of branches each non-leaf has
CheckNameReservedWord Checks whether 'name' is a reserved word, as defined in 'NODE_RESERVED_NAMES_CONST'.
Climb Climb a tree from parent to children, by provided criteria.
Clone Clone a tree (creates a deep copy)
CreateRandomTree Create a tree for demo and testing
CreateRegularTree Create a tree for demo and testing
Cumulate Cumulate values among siblings
DefaultPlotHeight Calculates the height of a 'Node' given the height of the root.
Distance Find the distance between two nodes of the same tree
Do Executes a function on a set of nodes
FindNode Find a node by name in the (sub-)tree
FormatFixedDecimal Format a Number as a Decimal
FormatPercent Format a Number as a Percentage
FromDataFrameNetwork Convert a 'data.frame' to a 'data.tree' structure
FromDataFrameTable Convert a 'data.frame' to a 'data.tree' structure
FromListExplicit Convert a nested 'list' structure to a 'data.tree' structure
FromListSimple Convert a nested 'list' structure to a 'data.tree' structure
Get Traverse a Tree and Collect Values
GetAttribute Get an attribute from a Node.
GetDefaultTooltip Plot a graph, or get a graphviz dot representation of the tree
GetPhyloNr Determine the number a 'Node' has after conversion to a phylo object
isLeaf Check if a 'Node' is a leaf
isNotLeaf Check if a 'Node' is not a leaf
isNotRoot Check if a 'Node' is not a root
isRoot Check if a 'Node' is the root
mushroom Sample Data: Data Used by the ID3 Vignette
Navigate Navigate to another node by relative path.
Node Create a 'data.tree' Structure With 'Nodes'
NODE_RESERVED_NAMES_CONST Names that are reserved by the Node class.
plot.Node Plot a graph, or get a graphviz dot representation of the tree
print.Node Print a 'Node' in a human-readable fashion.
Prune Prunes a tree.
Revert Reverts the sort order of a 'Node"s children.
Set Traverse a Tree and Assign Values
SetEdgeStyle Plot a graph, or get a graphviz dot representation of the tree
SetFormat Set a formatter function on a specific node
SetGraphStyle Plot a graph, or get a graphviz dot representation of the tree
SetNodeStyle Plot a graph, or get a graphviz dot representation of the tree
Sort Sort children of a 'Node' or an entire 'data.tree' structure
ToDataFrameNetwork Convert a 'data.tree' structure to a 'data.frame'
ToDataFrameTable Convert a 'data.tree' structure to a 'data.frame'
ToDataFrameTree Convert a 'data.tree' structure to a 'data.frame'
ToDataFrameTypeCol Convert a 'data.tree' structure to a 'data.frame'
ToDiagrammeRGraph Plot a graph, or get a graphviz dot representation of the tree
ToListExplicit Convert a 'data.tree' structure to a list-of-list structure
ToListSimple Convert a 'data.tree' structure to a list-of-list structure
ToNewick Write a 'data.tree' structure to Newick notation
Traverse Traverse a tree or a sub-tree