special-symbols {data.table}R Documentation

Special symbols


.SD, .BY, .N, .I, .GRP, and .NGRP are read-only symbols for use in j. .N can be used in i as well. .I can be used in by as well. See the vignettes, Details and Examples here and in data.table. .EACHI is a symbol passed to by; i.e. by=.EACHI.


The bindings of these variables are locked and attempting to assign to them will generate an error. If you wish to manipulate .SD before returning it, take a copy(.SD) first (see FAQ 4.5). Using := in the j of .SD is reserved for future use as a (tortuously) flexible way to update DT by reference by group (even when groups are not contiguous in an ad hoc by).

These symbols used in j are defined as follows.

.EACHI is defined as NULL but its value is not used. Its usage is by=.EACHI (or keyby=.EACHI) which invokes grouping-by-each-row-of-i; see data.table's by argument for more details.

Note that .N in i is computed up-front, while that in j applies after filtering in i. That means that even absent grouping, .N in i can be different from .N in j. See Examples.

See Also

data.table, :=, set, datatable-optimize


DT = data.table(x=rep(c("b","a","c"),each=3), v=c(1,1,1,2,2,1,1,2,2), y=c(1,3,6), a=1:9, b=9:1)
X = data.table(x=c("c","b"), v=8:7, foo=c(4,2))

DT[.N]                                 # last row, only special symbol allowed in 'i'
DT[, .N]                               # total number of rows in DT
DT[, .N, by=x]                         # number of rows in each group
DT[, .SD, .SDcols=x:y]                 # select columns 'x' through 'y'
DT[, .SD[1]]                           # first row of all columns
DT[, .SD[1], by=x]                     # first row of all columns for each group in 'x'
DT[, c(.N, lapply(.SD, sum)), by=x]    # get rows *and* sum all columns by group
DT[, .I[1], by=x]                      # row number in DT corresponding to each group
DT[, .N, by=rleid(v)]                  # get count of consecutive runs of 'v'
DT[, c(.(y=max(y)), lapply(.SD, min)),
        by=rleid(v), .SDcols=v:b]      # compute 'j' for each consecutive runs of 'v'
DT[, grp := .GRP, by=x]                # add a group counter
DT[, grp_pct := .GRP/.NGRP, by=x]      # add a group "progress" counter
X[, DT[.BY, y, on="x"], by=x]          # join within each group

# .N can be different in i and j
DT[{cat(sprintf('in i, .N is %d\n', .N)); a < .N/2},
   {cat(sprintf('in j, .N is %d\n', .N)); mean(a)}]

# .I can be different in j and by, enabling rowwise operations in by
DT[, .(.I, min(.SD[,-1]))]
DT[, .(min(.SD[,-1])), by=.I]

[Package data.table version 1.15.4 Index]