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Peru Legislation data
The Peru Legislation data is obtained by preprocessing the original data in Lee et al., 2017.
A list. Includes a 116-2 data frame named "attr_data", a 5844-7 data frame named "laws_data", and a 116-116-116 binary array named "network_data".
The data frame "attr_data" is a 116 x 2 matrix consisting the name and party affiliation of 116 legislators in the top five parties. The legislators IDs are recorded in the row names of the matrix.
The data frame "laws_data" is a 5844 x 7 matrix recording the co-sponsorship of 116 legislators of 802 bills during the first half of 2006-2007 year.
The array "network_data" is a 116 x 116 x 116 binary tensor recording the presence of order-3 co-sponsorship among legislators based on "laws_data". Specfically, the entry (i,j,k) is 1 if the legislators (i,j,k) have sponsored the same bill, and the entry (i,j,k) is 0 otherwise.