Time Series Regression Models with Distributed Lag Models

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Documentation for package ‘dLagM’ version 1.1.13

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dLagM-package Implementation of Time Series Regression Models with Distributed Lag Models
ardlBound Implement ARDL bounds test
ardlBoundOrders Find optimal orders (lag structure) for ARDL bounds test
ardlDlm Implement finite autoregressive distributed lag model
dlm Implement finite distributed lag model
finiteDLMauto Find the optimal lag length for finite DLMs
forecast Compute forecasts for distributed lag models
GMRAE Compute goodness-of-fit measures for DLMs
GoF Compute goodness-of-fit measures for DLMs
grainProduction World oats, corn, rice, wheat production, CO2 emissions, temperature anomalies, cropland data
koyckDlm Implement distributed lag models with Koyck transformation
MAPE Compute goodness-of-fit measures for DLMs
MASE Compute goodness-of-fit measures for DLMs
MBRAE Compute goodness-of-fit measures for DLMs
MRAE Compute goodness-of-fit measures for DLMs
polyDlm Implement finite polynomial distributed lag model
rolCorPlot PLot the rolling correlations
sdPercentiles Test the significance of signal from rolling correlation analysis
seaLevelTempSOI Global mean sea level (GMSL), mean land and ocean temperature anomalies, and Southern Oscillation Index (SOI) data
sMAPE Compute goodness-of-fit measures for DLMs
sortScore Sort AIC, BIC, MASE, MAPE, sMAPE, MRAE, GMRAE, or MBRAE scores
sunspotTemp Sunspot numbers and mean temperature anomalies data
warming Global warming and vehicle production data
wheat World wheat production, CO2 emissions, and temperature anomalies data