aggregate |
Aggregate data based on given grouping. |
correlation_threshold |
Remove redundant variables. |
count_na_rows |
Count the number of 'NA's per variable. |
covariance |
Compute covariance matrix and vectorize. |
drop_na_columns |
Remove variables with NA values. |
drop_na_rows |
Drop rows that are 'NA' in all specified variables. |
extract_subpopulations |
Extract subpopulations. |
generalized_log |
Generalized log transform data. |
generate_component_matrix |
A sparse matrix for sparse random projection. |
normalize |
Normalize observation variables. |
replicate_correlation |
Measure replicate correlation of variables. |
sparse_random_projection |
Reduce the dimensionality of a population using sparse random projection. |
svd_entropy |
Feature importance based on data entropy. |
transform |
Transform observation variables. |
variable_importance |
Measure variable importance. |
variable_select |
Select observation variables. |
variance_threshold |
Remove variables with near-zero variance. |
whiten |
Whiten data. |