zykloid.scaleA {cycloids}R Documentation

Wrapper for zykloid which allows to scale and position a cycloid by the radius A of the fixed circle and its midpoint


While zykloid provides the basic functionality for calculating cycloids, this functions allows to re-size a cycloid by freely setting the radius on the fixed circle. In addition, the cycloid can be re-positioned by locating the fix circle's midpoint. See Figures 1 and 2 and zykloid for the geometrical principles of cycloids.


zykloid.scaleA(A, a, lambda, hypo = TRUE, Cx = 0, Cy = 0,
               RadiusA = 1, steps = 360, start = pi/2)



The Radius of the fixed circle before re-sizing. Must be an integer Number > 0. Together with aa (see below), AA is only determining the cycloid's shape and number of peaks (see npeaks), while its actual size is defined by the argument RadiusARadiusA (see below).


The radius of the moving circle before re-sizing. Must be an integer Number > 0. Together with AA, aa only determines the cycloid's shape and number of peaks (see npeaks), while its actual size is defined via the argument RadiusARadiusA (see below).


The distance of the tracepoint from the moving circle's (cmovmov) centre in relative units of its radius aa. lambda=1lambda = 1 means that the tracepoint is located on cmovcmov's circumference. For lambda<1lambda < 1, the tracepoint is on cmovcmov's area, e.g. if lambda=0.5lambda = 0.5, it is halfway between cmovcmov's centre and its circumference. If lambda>1lambda > 1 the tracepoint is outside cmovcmov's area, you might imagine it being attached to a rod which is attached to cmovcmov and originates from its centre. E.g. lambda=2lambda = 2 would mean that the tracepoint's distance from cmov's centre equals 2a2*a. lambda=0lambda = 0 produces a circle because the tracepoint is identical with cmovcmov's centre.


logical. If TRUE, the resulting figure is a hypocycloid (lambda=1lambda = 1) or a hypotrochoid (lambda!=1lambda != 1), because cmovcmov is rolling along the inner side of the fixed circle (cfixcfix). If FALSE, an epicycloid (lambda=1lambda = 1) or an epitrochoid lambda!=1lambda != 1 is generated, as cmovcmov is rolling at the outside of cfixcfix's circumference.


x-coordinate of the fixed circle's midpoint. Default is 0.


y-coordinate of the fixed circle's midpoint. Default is 0.


The actual radius of the fixed circle. Default is 1.


positive integer. The number of steps per circuit of the moving circle (cmovcmov) for which tracepoint positions are calculated. The default, 360, means steps of 1 degree for the movement of cmov. Analogously, steps = 720 would mean steps of 0.5 degrees.


Start angle (radians) of the moving circle's (cmovcmov) centre counterclockwise to the horizontal with the fixed circle's (cfixcfix) centre as the pivot. The tracepoint will start at a peak.


Figure1.png Figure2.png


A dataframe with the columns xx and yy. Each row represents a tracepoint position. The positions are ordered along the trace with the last and the first point being identical in order to warrant a closed figure when plotting the data.


Peter Biber

See Also

zykloid, zykloid.scaleAa, zykloid.scaleP


# Same hypotrochoid scaled to different radii of the fix circle
cycl1 <- zykloid.scaleA(A = 7, a = 3, lambda = 2/3, RadiusA = 1.3)
cycl2 <- zykloid.scaleA(A = 7, a = 3, lambda = 2/3, RadiusA = 1.0)
cycl3 <- zykloid.scaleA(A = 7, a = 3, lambda = 2/3, RadiusA = 0.7)
plot (y ~ x, data = cycl1, asp = 1, col = "red", type = "l",
      main = "A = 7, a = 3, lambda = 2/3")
lines(y ~ x, data = cycl2, asp = 1, col = "green")
lines(y ~ x, data = cycl3, asp = 1, col = "blue")
legend("topleft", c("RadiusA = 1.3", "RadiusA = 1.0", "RadiusA = 0.7"),
       lty = rep("solid", 3), col = c("red", "green", "blue"), bty = "n")

# In this example, RadiusA depends on the cosine of the x-coordinate
# of the fixed circle's centre
op <- par(mar = c(0,0,0,0), bg = "black")
ctrx <- seq(-2*pi, 2*pi, pi/10)
ccol <- rainbow(length(ctrx))
plot.window(asp = 1, xlim = c(-8, 8), ylim = c(-0.5, 0.5))
for(i in c(1:length(ctrx))) {
    zzz <- zykloid.scaleA(A = 9, a = 7, hypo = TRUE, Cx = ctrx[i],
                          Cy = -ctrx[i], lambda = 0.9,
                          RadiusA = 1.5 + cos(ctrx[i]), start = -pi/4)
    lines(y ~ x, data = zzz, col = ccol[i])
} # for i

# Geometric degression of RadiusA makes a nice star
op <- par(mar = c(0,0,0,0), bg = "black")
plot.window(asp = 1, xlim = c(-10, 10), ylim = c(-10, 10))
rad <- 10
n <- 60
ccol <- heat.colors(n)
for(i in c(1:n)) {
    if (i/2 != floor(i/2)) { sstart = pi/2 }
    else                   { sstart = pi/4 }
    zzz <- zykloid.scaleA(A = 4, a = 3, RadiusA = rad, lambda = 1,
                          start = sstart)
    lines(y ~ x, data = zzz, col = ccol[i])
    rad <- rad * 0.9
} # for i

# A windmill
op <- par(mar = c(0,0,0,0), bg = "black")
plot.window(asp = 1, xlim = c(-1.4, 1.4), ylim = c(-1.4, 1.4))
rrad <- sqrt(seq(0.1, 2, 0.1))
n    <- length(rrad)
ccol <- rainbow(n, start = 0, end = 0.3)
for(i in c(1:n)) {
    zzz <- zykloid.scaleA(A = 7, a = 3, RadiusA = rrad[i],
           hypo = TRUE, lambda = 1.1,
           start = pi/2 - (1*pi/7 - (i - 1) * 2*pi/(7 * n)))
    lines(y ~ x, data = zzz, col = ccol[n + 1 - i])
} # for i

# Advanced Example: A series of cycloids with their centres
# located on a logarithmic spiral
op <- par(mar = c(0,0,0,0), bg = "black")
plot.window(asp = 1, xlim = c(-50, 50), ylim = c(-50, 50))
a     <- 1/32     # spiral's scaling constant
alpha <- pi/20    # spiral's slope angle
sphi  <- seq(0, 18 * pi, pi/25)   # series of angles for cycloid centres
rad  <- a * exp(tan(alpha)*sphi)  # corresponding spiral radii
spx  <- rad * cos(sphi)           # corresponding x-coordinates
spy  <- rad *sin(sphi)            # corresponding y-coordinates
n    <- length(sphi)
ccol <- rainbow(n, start = 2/3, end = 1/2)
for (i in c(1:n)) {
     czc <- zykloid.scaleA(A = 3, a = 1, lambda = 1.5,
            Cx = spx[i], Cy = spy[i],
            RadiusA = rad[i]/2.5, # cycloid radii depends on spiral radii
            start = pi + sphi[i]) # angle cycloid towards spiral centre
     lines(y ~ x, data = czc, col = ccol[i])
} # for i

[Package cycloids version 1.0.2 Index]