availableTypeMeasures |
Display the names of the measures used in CV for different families |
buildPredMat |
Build a prediction matrix from CV model fits |
checkValidTypeMeasure |
Check if loss function is valid for a given family |
computeError |
Compute CV statistics from a prediction matrix |
computeRawError |
Compute the nobs by nlambda matrix of errors |
computeStats |
Compute CV statistics |
coxnet.deviance |
Compute deviance for Cox model |
getCindex |
Compute C index for a Cox model |
getOptLambda |
Get lambda.min and lambda.1se values |
getTypeMeasureName |
Get full name of loss function |
kfoldcv |
K-fold cross-validation wrapper |
plot.cvobj |
Plot the cross-validation curve from a class 'cvobj' object |
print.cvobj |
Print a class 'cvobj' object |