cvmaPLFAM {cvmaPLFAM} | R Documentation |
Cross-Validation Model Averaging (CVMA) for Partial Linear Functional Additive Models (PLFAMs)
Summarize the estimate of weights for averaging across all candidate models for PLFAMs, using multi-fold cross-validation criterion, and the corresponding mean squared prediction error risk. Additionally, the results of AIC, BIC, SAIC and SBIC are delivered simultaneously.
Y.test = NULL,
scalars.test = NULL,
functional.test = NULL,
ratio.train = NULL
Y |
The vector of the scalar response variable. |
scalars |
The design matrix of scalar predictors. |
functional |
The matrix including records/measurements of the functional predictor. |
Y.test |
Test data: The vector of the scalar response variable. |
scalars.test |
Test data: The design matrix of scalar predictors. |
functional.test |
Test data: The matrix including records/measurements of the functional predictor. |
tt |
The vector of recording/measurement points for the functional predictor. |
nump |
The number of scalar predictors in candidate models. |
numfpcs |
The number of functional principal components (FPCs) for the functional predictor in candidate models. |
nbasis |
The number of basis functions used for spline approximation. |
nfolds |
The number of folds used in cross-validation. |
ratio.train |
The ratio of data for training, if test data are |
A list
aic |
Mean squared error risk in training data set, produced by AIC model selection method. |
bic |
Mean squared error risk in training data set, produced by BIC model selection method. |
saic |
Mean squared error risk in training data set, produced by SAIC model averaging method. |
sbic |
Mean squared error risk in training data set, produced by SBIC model averaging method. |
cv |
Mean squared error risk in training data set, produced by CVMA method. |
waic |
The selected candidate model by AIC model selection method. |
wbic |
The selected candidate model by BIC model selection method. |
wsaic |
The weights for each candidate model by SAIC model averaging method. |
wsbic |
The weights for each candidate model by SBIC model averaging method. |
wcv |
The weights for each candidate model by CVMA method. |
predaic |
Mean squared prediction error risk in test data set, produced by AIC model selection method. |
predbic |
Mean squared prediction error risk in test data set, produced by BIC model selection method. |
predsaic |
Mean squared prediction error risk in test data set, produced by SAIC model averaging method. |
predsbic |
Mean squared prediction error risk in test data set, produced by SBIC model averaging method. |
predcv |
Mean squared prediction error risk in test data set, produced by CVMA method. |
# Generate simulated data
simdata = data_gen(R = 0.7, K = 1, n = 50, M0 = 20, typ = 1, design = 3)
dat1 = simdata[[1]]
scalars = dat1[,1:20]
fd = dat1[,21:120]
Y = dat1[,122]
tps = seq(0, 1, length.out = 100)
# Estimation
est_res = cvmaPLFAM(Y=Y, scalars = scalars, functional = fd, tt = tps,
nump = 2, numfpcs = 3, nbasis = 50, nfolds = 5, ratio.train = 0.8)
# Weights estimated by CVMA method
# Prediction error risk on test data set