Cross-Validating Regression Models

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Documentation for package ‘cv’ version 2.0.0

Help Pages Cross-Validate Regression Models Cross-Validate Regression Models Cross-Validate Several Models Fit to the Same Data
BayesRule Cost Functions for Fitted Regression Models
BayesRule2 Cost Functions for Fitted Regression Models
coef.cvSelect Cross-Validate a Model-Selection Procedure
compareFolds Cross-Validate a Model-Selection Procedure
costFunctions Cost Functions for Fitted Regression Models
cv Cross-Validate Regression Models
cv.default Cross-Validate Regression Models
cv.function Cross-Validate a Model-Selection Procedure
cv.glm Cross-Validate Regression Models
cv.glmmTMB Cross-Validate Mixed-Effects Model
cv.lm Cross-Validate Regression Models
cv.lme Cross-Validate Mixed-Effects Model
cv.merMod Cross-Validate Mixed-Effects Model
cv.modList Cross-Validate Several Models Fit to the Same Data
cv.rlm Cross-Validate Regression Models
cvCompute Utility Functions for the cv Package
cvMixed Utility Functions for the cv Package
cvSelect Utility Functions for the cv Package
fold Utility Functions for the cv Package
fold.folds Utility Functions for the cv Package
folds Utility Functions for the cv Package
GetResponse Utility Functions for the cv Package
GetResponse.default Utility Functions for the cv Package
GetResponse.glmmTMB Utility Functions for the cv Package
GetResponse.lme Utility Functions for the cv Package
GetResponse.merMod Utility Functions for the cv Package
GetResponse.modList Utility Functions for the cv Package
medAbsErr Cost Functions for Fitted Regression Models
models Cross-Validate Several Models Fit to the Same Data
mse Cost Functions for Fitted Regression Models
Pigs Body Weights of 48 Pigs in 9 Successive Weeks
plot.cvModList Cross-Validate Several Models Fit to the Same Data Cross-Validate Regression Models
print.cvDataFrame Cross-Validate Regression Models
print.cvList Cross-Validate Regression Models
print.cvModList Cross-Validate Several Models Fit to the Same Data
print.folds Utility Functions for the cv Package
rmse Cost Functions for Fitted Regression Models
selectModelList Cross-Validate a Model-Selection Procedure
selectStepAIC Cross-Validate a Model-Selection Procedure
selectTrans Cross-Validate a Model-Selection Procedure
selectTransStepAIC Cross-Validate a Model-Selection Procedure
summary.cvDataFrame Cross-Validate Regression Models