partial {curry}R Documentation

Apply arguments partially to a function


The partial function and the %><% operator allows you to partially call a function with a list of arguments. Named elements in the list will be matched to function arguments and these arguments will be removed from the returned function. Unnamed elements are only allowed for functions containing an ellipsis, in which case they are considered part of the ellipsis.


fun %><% args

partial(fun, args)



A function to be partially applied. Can be any function (normal, already partially applied, primitives).


A list of values that should be applied to the function.


A function with the same arguments as fun except for the ones given in args


Multiple partial application does not result in multiple nested calls, so while the first partial call adds a layer around the called function, potentially adding a very small performance hit, partially calling multiple times will not add to this effect.

See Also

Other partials: curry, tail_curry


dummy_lengths <- vapply %><% list(FUN = length, FUN.VALUE = integer(1))
test_list <- list(a = 1:5, b = 1:10)

[Package curry version 0.1.1 Index]