move {cubing}R Documentation

Moving a Cube and Creating a Move Sequence


Applies moves to a cube and creates a move sequence.


move(aCube, moves, history = FALSE)
## S3 method for class 'seqCubes'
plot(x, initial = TRUE, which = 1:length(moves), ask = FALSE, 
    colvec = getOption("cubing.colors"), recolor = FALSE, show.rot = TRUE, 
    title = NULL, cex.title = 1, font.title = 2, ...)



A cubieCube object.


A move sequence; either a single string or a character vector with one element per move. Can include URFDLBEMS face turns, URFDLB wide turns and xyz rotations.


If TRUE the output is a list containing the initial cube state and every subsequent cube state created during the move sequence. If FALSE (the default) only the final cube state is returned.


An object produced by the move function when history is set to TRUE.


Plot the initial cube state?


If only a subset of subsequent cube states are to be plotted, specify a subset of the numbers 1:length(moves).


If TRUE, the user is asked before each plot.


Vector of sticker colors. The default is the cubing.colors option.


If TRUE, the spatial orientation is ignored and therefore the cube is recolored.


Should rotation moves be plotted?


If specified as a character string, the first plot represents a title page with title in the centre. This is useful for putting a title page on multiple page graphing devices such as pdf.


Size of title on title page.


Font of title on title page.


Other parameters to be passed through to plotting functions.


By default move gives the result of applying the move sequence moves to the cube aCube. All rotations xyz, face turns URFDLBEMS, and wide moves URFDLB are allowed. Moves specifications such as U U1 U' U1' U2 U2' U3 U3' and rotation specifications such as x x1 x' x1' x2 x2' x3 x3' are all allowed. For wide moves, lower case lettering and w notation are both allowed, so u2 and Uw2 are equivalent. If moves is a single string, it may contain any amount of white space.

The definition of the E M S middle slice moves is respectively given by D'Uy' L'Rx' B'Fz'. In particular, the S slice direction is different to what you may find elsewhere; the definition used for S in this package is consistent with the rotation directions.

When history is TRUE a list is created of class seqCubes. The list contains cubieCube objects. The length of the list is the number of moves plus one, where the first element of the list is the original cube.

The plot.seqCubes function plots a list of class seqCubes. It can be regarded and a 2D version of the animate function. For permanent recording of the 2D plots for the move sequence, it is helpful to open a multiple page graphing device such as pdf. A pdf file can then be created and used as a flick book.


For move, either a cubieCube object, or (if history is TRUE) an object of class seqCubes, which is a list where each element is a cubieCube. An attribute of the list stores the move sequence.

See Also

animate, getMovesCube, invMoves, plot.cube, rotate, slice


scramb <- "D2F2UF2DR2DBL'BRULRUL2FL'U'"
aCube <- getMovesCube(scramb)
mvs <- "x2D'R'L2'U'FU'F'D'U'U'R'y'R'U'Ry'RU'R'U'RUR'U'R'U'F'UFRU'"
is.solved(move(aCube, mvs))
sCubes <- move(aCube, mvs, history = TRUE)
## Not run: plot(sCubes, title = "SeungBeom Cho\nWorld Record Solve\n4.59")

## Not run: pdf("SeungBeomCho.pdf")
## Not run: plot(sCubes, title = "SeungBeom Cho\nWorld Record Solve\n4.59")
## Not run:

[Package cubing version 1.0-5 Index]