arrange.spatial_cubble_df | 'dplyr' methods |
arrange.temporal_cubble_df | 'dplyr' methods |
as_cubble | Coerce foreign objects into a cubble object | | Coerce foreign objects into a cubble object |
as_cubble.ncdf4 | Coerce foreign objects into a cubble object |
as_cubble.sf | Coerce foreign objects into a cubble object |
as_cubble.sftime | Coerce foreign objects into a cubble object |
as_cubble.stars | Coerce foreign objects into a cubble object |
as_cubble.tbl_df | Coerce foreign objects into a cubble object |
bind_cols.spatial_cubble_df | 'dplyr' methods |
bind_cols.temporal_cubble_df | 'dplyr' methods |
bind_rows.temporal_cubble_df | 'dplyr' methods |
check_key | Check on key when create cubble from two components (spatial/temporal) |
climate_aus | Australia climate data |
climate_flat | Toy climate data |
climate_mel | Toy climate data |
coords | Extract cubble attributes |
covid | Daily COVID count data (in 'tsibble') and Victoria LGA (in 'sf') |
cubble | Create a cubble object |
dplyr_col_modify.cubble_df | 'dplyr' methods |
dplyr_reconstruct.spatial_cubble_df | 'dplyr' methods |
dplyr_reconstruct.temporal_cubble_df | 'dplyr' methods |
dplyr_row_slice.spatial_cubble_df | 'dplyr' methods |
dplyr_row_slice.temporal_cubble_df | 'dplyr' methods |
face_spatial | Pivot a cubble object between the nested/long (spatial/temporal) form |
face_spatial.spatial_cubble_df | Pivot a cubble object between the nested/long (spatial/temporal) form |
face_spatial.temporal_cubble_df | Pivot a cubble object between the nested/long (spatial/temporal) form |
face_temporal | Pivot a cubble object between the nested/long (spatial/temporal) form |
face_temporal.spatial_cubble_df | Pivot a cubble object between the nested/long (spatial/temporal) form |
face_temporal.temporal_cubble_df | Pivot a cubble object between the nested/long (spatial/temporal) form |
fill_gaps.temporal_cubble_df | Gap-filling on the temporal component of a cubble object |
filter.spatial_cubble_df | 'dplyr' methods |
geom_glyph | Create glyph map with ggplot2 |
geom_glyph_box | Create glyph map with ggplot2 |
geom_glyph_line | Create glyph map with ggplot2 |
group_by.spatial_cubble_df | 'dplyr' methods |
group_by.temporal_cubble_df | 'dplyr' methods |
historical_tmax | Australia climate data |
index | Extract cubble attributes |
index_var | Extract cubble attributes |
is_cubble | Predicate functions on the object class |
is_cubble_spatial | Predicate functions on the object class |
is_cubble_temporal | Predicate functions on the object class |
is_sf | Predicate functions on the object class |
is_tsibble | Predicate functions on the object class |
key.cubble_df | Extract cubble attributes |
key_data.cubble_df | Extract cubble attributes |
key_vars.cubble_df | Extract cubble attributes |
lga | Daily COVID count data (in 'tsibble') and Victoria LGA (in 'sf') |
make_cubble | Create a cubble object |
make_spatial_sf | Update the spatial cubble to include the sf class |
make_temporal_tsibble | Update the temporal cubble to include the tsibble class ('tbl_ts') |
match_sites | Match stations in two cubbles by spatial distance/ temporal similarity |
match_spatial | Match stations in two cubbles by spatial distance/ temporal similarity |
match_temporal | Match stations in two cubbles by spatial distance/ temporal similarity |
meteo | Toy climate data |
meteo_ts | Toy climate data |
mutate.spatial_cubble_df | 'dplyr' methods |
mutate.temporal_cubble_df | 'dplyr' methods |
names<-.spatial_cubble_df | Accessors to a cubble object |
names<-.temporal_cubble_df | Accessors to a cubble object |
print.cubble_df | Print methods |
rename.spatial_cubble_df | 'dplyr' methods |
rename.temporal_cubble_df | 'dplyr' methods |
river | Australia river data |
rowwise.spatial_cubble_df | 'dplyr' methods |
rowwise.temporal_cubble_df | 'dplyr' methods |
scan_gaps.temporal_cubble_df | Gap-filling on the temporal component of a cubble object |
select.spatial_cubble_df | 'dplyr' methods |
select.temporal_cubble_df | 'dplyr' methods |
spatial | Extract cubble attributes |
spatial.spatial_cubble_df | Extract cubble attributes |
spatial.temporal_cubble_df | Extract cubble attributes |
stations | Toy climate data |
stations_sf | Toy climate data |
summarise.spatial_cubble_df | 'dplyr' methods |
summarise.temporal_cubble_df | 'dplyr' methods |
tbl_sum.spatial_cubble_df | Print methods |
tbl_sum.temporal_cubble_df | Print methods |
unfold | Augment spatial component into the long (temporal) form |
unfold.spatial_cubble_df | Augment spatial component into the long (temporal) form |
unfold.temporal_cubble_df | Augment spatial component into the long (temporal) form |
ungroup.spatial_cubble_df | 'dplyr' methods |
ungroup.temporal_cubble_df | 'dplyr' methods |
update_cubble | Temporary update cubble if the sf class take precedent of cubble classes |
update_cubble.spatial_cubble_df | Temporary update cubble if the sf class take precedent of cubble classes |
[.spatial_cubble_df | Accessors to a cubble object |
[.temporal_cubble_df | Accessors to a cubble object |
[[<-.cubble_df | Accessors to a cubble object |