Utilities for Interacting with the 'CTX' APIs

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Documentation for package ‘ctxR’ version 1.0.0

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-- B --

bioactivity_api_server Bioactivity API Server url

-- C --

chemical_api_server Chemical API Server url
chemical_contains Chemical contains
chemical_contains_batch Chemical contains batch search
chemical_equal Chemical equal
chemical_equal_batch Chemical equal batch search
chemical_starts_with Chemical starts with
chemical_starts_with_batch Chemical starts with batch search
create_data.table_chemical_details Create chemical details data.table helper function
ctxR_hide_api_key Register CTX API Key for ctxR
ctxR_options ctxR Options
ctxR_show_api_key Register CTX API Key for ctxR
ctx_key Register CTX API Key for ctxR

-- E --

exposure_api_server Exposure API Server url

-- G --

get_all_assays Retrieve all assays
get_all_public_chemical_lists Get all public chemical lists
get_annotation_by_aeid Retrieve annotations for AEID
get_annotation_by_aeid_batch Retrieve annotations for AEID batch
get_bioactivity_details Retrieve bioactivity data from DTXSID, AEID, SPID, or m4id
get_bioactivity_details_batch Retrieve bioactivity data from DTXSID or AEID batch
get_bioactivity_endpoint_status Bioactivity API Endpoint status
get_bioactivity_summary Retrieve bioactivity summary for AEID
get_bioactivity_summary_batch Retrieve bioactivity summary data from AEID batch
get_cancer_hazard Get cancer hazard
get_cancer_hazard_batch Get cancer hazard batch
get_cancer_hazard_batch_old Get cancer hazard batch
get_chemicals_in_list Get chemicals in a given chemical list
get_chemicals_in_list_batch Get chemicals in a given chemical list batch
get_chemical_by_property_range Get chemicals by property and its value range
get_chemical_by_property_range_batch Retrieve chemicals by property and value range in batch search
get_chemical_details Retrieve chemical details from DTXSID of DTXCID
get_chemical_details_batch Retrieve chemical details from DTXSID of DTXCID in batch search
get_chemical_endpoint_status Chemical API Endpoint status
get_chemical_image Get image file by DTXSID or DTXCID
get_chemical_image_batch Get image file by DTXSID or DTXCID batch
get_chemical_lists_by_type Get chemical lists by type
get_chemical_lists_by_type_batch Get chemical lists by type batch search
get_chemical_mol Get mol file by DTXSID or DTXCID
get_chemical_mol_batch Get mol file by DTXSID or DTXCID batch
get_chemical_mrv Get mrv file by DTXSID or DTXCID
get_chemical_mrv_batch Ger mrv file by DTXSID or DTXCID batch
get_chemical_synonym Get chemical synonym
get_chemical_synonym_batch Get chemical synonym batch
get_chem_info Retrieve chemical information
get_chem_info_batch Retrieve chemical information in batch search
get_chem_info_batch_old Retrieve chemical information in batch search
get_ecotox_hazard_by_dtxsid Get ecotox hazard data by DTXSID
get_ecotox_hazard_by_dtxsid_batch Get ecotox hazard data by DTXSID batch
get_ecotox_hazard_by_dtxsid_batch_old Get ecotox hazard data by DTXSID batch
get_exposure_endpoint_status Exposure API Endpoint status
get_exposure_functional_use Retrieve exposure related functional use data
get_exposure_functional_use_batch Retrieve exposure related functional use data batch
get_exposure_functional_use_category Retrieve functional use categories
get_exposure_functional_use_probability Retrieve probability of exposure for functional use category
get_exposure_functional_use_probability_batch Retrieve exposure functional use probability data batch
get_exposure_list_presence_tags Retrieve list presence tags
get_exposure_list_presence_tags_by_dtxsid Retrieve document data and list presence tags for a chemical
get_exposure_list_presence_tags_by_dtxsid_batch Retrieve document data and list presence tags for chemicals batch
get_exposure_product_data Retrieve product data for exposure purposes
get_exposure_product_data_batch Retrieve product data for exposure purposes batch
get_exposure_product_data_puc Retrieve product use categories related to exposure
get_fate_by_dtxsid Get fate by DTXSID
get_fate_by_dtxsid_batch Retrieve chemical fate data in batch search
get_fate_by_dtxsid_batch_old Retrieve chemical fate data in batch search
get_genetox_details Get genetox details
get_genetox_details_batch Get genetox details batch
get_genetox_details_batch_old Get genetox details batch
get_genetox_summary Get genetox summary
get_genetox_summary_batch Get genetox summary batch
get_genetox_summary_batch_old Get genetox summary batch
get_hazard_by_dtxsid Get hazard data by DTXSID
get_hazard_by_dtxsid_batch Get hazard data by DTXSID batch
get_hazard_by_dtxsid_batch_old Get hazard data by DTXSID batch
get_hazard_endpoint_status Hazard API Endpoint status
get_human_hazard_by_dtxsid Get human hazard data by DTXSID
get_human_hazard_by_dtxsid_batch Get human hazard data by DTXSID batch
get_human_hazard_by_dtxsid_batch_old Get human hazard data by DTXSID batch
get_inchi Get InChI
get_inchikey Get InChIKey
get_lists_containing_chemical Get chemical lists containing given chemical
get_lists_containing_chemical_batch Get chemical lists containing given chemical batch
get_msready_by_dtxcid Get msready by DTXCID
get_msready_by_dtxcid_batch Get msready by DTXCID batch search
get_msready_by_formula Get msready by formula
get_msready_by_formula_batch Get msready by formula batch search
get_msready_by_mass Get msready by mass
get_msready_by_mass_batch Get ms ready by mass batch search
get_msready_by_mass_with_error_batch Get msready by mass and error offset
get_public_chemical_list_by_name Get chemical list by name
get_public_chemical_list_by_name_batch Get chemical list by name batch
get_skin_eye_hazard Get skin and eye hazard
get_skin_eye_hazard_batch Get skin and eye hazard batch
get_skin_eye_hazard_batch_old Get skin and eye hazard batch
get_smiles Get Smiles

-- H --

has_ctxR_option ctxR Options
has_ctxR_options ctxR Options
has_ctx_key Register CTX API Key for ctxR
hazard_api_server Hazard API Server url

-- P --

prepare_word Prepare url helper function
print.ctx_credentials Register CTX API Key for ctxR

-- R --

register_ctx_api_key Register CTX API Key for ctxR

-- S --

set_ctxR_option ctxR Options
showing_key Register CTX API Key for ctxR