diff_Gsq_nr {cta}R Documentation

Difference in G-Squared Statistic Based CIs (Non-Robust)


Constructs confidence intervals (CIs), based on the difference in G^2 statistic, for estimands in contingency tables subject to equality constraints.

These confidence intervals are also referred to as likelihood ratio confidence intervals or profile likelihood confidence intervals.

The program may stop because of a non-convergence issue.


diff_Gsq_nr(y, strata, fixed.strata, h0.fct, h0.fct.deriv, S0.fct,
            S0.fct.deriv, max.mph.iter, step, change.step.after,
            y.eps, iter.orig, norm.diff.conv, norm.score.conv,
            max.score.diff.iter, S.space.H0, tol.psi, tol,
            max.iter, cut.off, delta)



Observed table counts in the contingency table(s), in vector form.


Vector of the same length as y that gives the stratum membership identifier.


The object that gives information on which stratum (strata) has (have) fixed sample sizes.


The constraint function h_{0}(\cdot) with respect to m, where m = E(Y), the vector of expected table counts.


The R function object that computes analytic derivative of the transpose of the constraint function h_{0}(\cdot) with respect to m. If h0.fct.deriv is not specified or h0.fct.deriv = NULL, numerical derivatives will be used.


The estimand function S_{0}(\cdot) with respect to m.


The R function object that computes analytic derivative of the estimand function S_{0}(\cdot) with respect to m. If S0.fct.deriv is not specified or S0.fct.deriv = NULL, numerical derivatives will be used.

max.mph.iter, step, change.step.after, y.eps, iter.orig, norm.diff.conv, norm.score.conv, max.score.diff.iter

The parameters used in mph.fit.


Restricted estimand space of S(\cdot) under H_{0}, i.e. subject to the imposed equality constraints along with sampling constraints.

tol.psi, tol, max.iter

The parameters used in the three stopping criteria in solving for the roots to the test-inversion equation.


qchisq(cc, 1). i.e. The chi-square cutoff, with 1 df, based on the significance level 1-cc.


The constant \delta that is in expressions of the moving critical values within each sliding quadratic step.


Provided that diff_Gsq_nr does not stop, it returns a 1-by-2 matrix which displays two endpoints of the confidence interval based on the difference in G^2 statistic.


Qiansheng Zhu


Zhu, Q. (2020) "On improved confidence intervals for parameters of discrete distributions." PhD dissertation, University of Iowa.

See Also

diff_Gsq_robust, f.psi, ci.table

[Package cta version 1.3.0 Index]