$.csquares | Basic csquares methods |
$<-.csquares | Basic csquares methods |
anti_join.csquares | Join 'csquares' objects using tidyverse conventions |
arrange.csquares | Tidyverse methods for csquares objects (drop the 'csquares'-suffix) |
as.character.csquares | Basic csquares methods |
as.data.frame.csquares | Basic csquares methods |
as_csquares | Convert lon-lat coordinates into c-square codes |
as_csquares.character | Convert lon-lat coordinates into c-square codes |
as_csquares.data.frame | Convert lon-lat coordinates into c-square codes |
as_csquares.default | Convert lon-lat coordinates into c-square codes |
as_csquares.numeric | Convert lon-lat coordinates into c-square codes |
as_csquares.sf | Convert lon-lat coordinates into c-square codes |
as_csquares.sfc | Convert lon-lat coordinates into c-square codes |
as_csquares.stars | Convert lon-lat coordinates into c-square codes |
as_tibble.csquares | Tidyverse methods for csquares objects (drop the 'csquares'-suffix) |
c.csquares | Basic csquares methods |
cbind.csquares | Basic csquares methods |
data.frame.csquares | Basic csquares methods |
distinct.csquares | Tidyverse methods for csquares objects (drop the 'csquares'-suffix) |
drop_csquares | Drop c-square information from object |
drop_na.csquares | Tidyverse methods for csquares objects (drop the 'csquares'-suffix) |
expand_wildcards | Expand c-squares with wildcards to all matching c-squares |
filter.csquares | Tidyverse methods for csquares objects (drop the 'csquares'-suffix) |
format.csquares | Basic csquares methods |
full_join.csquares | Join 'csquares' objects using tidyverse conventions |
group_by.csquares | Tidyverse methods for csquares objects (drop the 'csquares'-suffix) |
group_split.csquares | Tidyverse methods for csquares objects (drop the 'csquares'-suffix) |
ices_centroids | Get ICES geometries |
ices_columns | Valid ICES rectangle columns |
ices_from_csquares | Get ICES geometries |
ices_rectangles | Get ICES geometries |
ices_to_csquares | Get ICES geometries |
inner_join.csquares | Join 'csquares' objects using tidyverse conventions |
in_csquares | Match c-squares against other c-squares (with wildcards) |
join | Join 'csquares' objects using tidyverse conventions |
left_join.csquares | Join 'csquares' objects using tidyverse conventions |
merge.csquares | Basic csquares methods |
mutate.csquares | Tidyverse methods for csquares objects (drop the 'csquares'-suffix) |
names<-.csquares | Basic csquares methods |
nest.csquares | Tidyverse methods for csquares objects (drop the 'csquares'-suffix) |
new_csquares | Create a c-squares raster from a bounding box |
orca | Killer whale realm |
pivot_longer.csquares | Tidyverse methods for csquares objects (drop the 'csquares'-suffix) |
pivot_wider.csquares | Tidyverse methods for csquares objects (drop the 'csquares'-suffix) |
print.csquares | Basic csquares methods |
rbind.csquares | Basic csquares methods |
rename.csquares | Tidyverse methods for csquares objects (drop the 'csquares'-suffix) |
rename_with.csquares | Tidyverse methods for csquares objects (drop the 'csquares'-suffix) |
resample_csquares | Resample csquares to a different resolution |
right_join.csquares | Join 'csquares' objects using tidyverse conventions |
rowwise.csquares | Tidyverse methods for csquares objects (drop the 'csquares'-suffix) |
select.csquares | Tidyverse methods for csquares objects (drop the 'csquares'-suffix) |
semi_join.csquares | Join 'csquares' objects using tidyverse conventions |
slice.csquares | Tidyverse methods for csquares objects (drop the 'csquares'-suffix) |
st_as_sf | Create a simple features object from c-squares |
st_as_sf.csquares | Create a simple features object from c-squares |
st_as_sfc | Create a simple features object from c-squares |
st_as_sfc.csquares | Create a simple features object from c-squares |
st_as_stars.csquares | Coerce csqaures object into a stars object |
st_join.csquares | Join 'csquares' objects using tidyverse conventions |
summarise.csquares | Tidyverse methods for csquares objects (drop the 'csquares'-suffix) |
summary.csquares | Basic csquares methods |
tidyverse | Tidyverse methods for csquares objects (drop the 'csquares'-suffix) |
ungroup.csquares | Tidyverse methods for csquares objects (drop the 'csquares'-suffix) |
unite.csquares | Tidyverse methods for csquares objects (drop the 'csquares'-suffix) |
unnest.csquares | Tidyverse methods for csquares objects (drop the 'csquares'-suffix) |
unnest.csquares_nested | Tidyverse methods for csquares objects (drop the 'csquares'-suffix) |
validate_csquares | Test if a csquares object is valid |
vctrs | vctrs methods for csquares objects |
vec_cast.csquares | vctrs methods for csquares objects |
vec_cast.csquares.character | vctrs methods for csquares objects |
vec_cast.csquares.csquares | vctrs methods for csquares objects |
vec_cast.csquares.default | vctrs methods for csquares objects |
vec_ptype2.csquares | vctrs methods for csquares objects |
vec_ptype2.csquares.character | vctrs methods for csquares objects |
vec_ptype2.csquares.csquares | vctrs methods for csquares objects |
vec_ptype2.csquares.default | vctrs methods for csquares objects |
[.csquares | Basic csquares methods |
[<-.csquares | Basic csquares methods |
[[.csquares | Basic csquares methods |
[[<-.csquares | Basic csquares methods |