get_cspp_data {cspp}R Documentation

Load CSPP data into the R environment


get_cspp_data loads either a full or subsetted version of the full CSPP dataset into the R environment as a dataframe.


  vars = NULL,
  var_category = NULL,
  states = NULL,
  years = NULL,
  core = FALSE,
  output = NULL,
  path = ""



Default is NULL. If left blank, returns all variables within the dataset. Takes a string or vector of strings. See get_var_info for pulling variable names and get_cites for citations of specific variables and datasets. Names of variables must be exact matches to variables in the dataset.


Default is NA. If left blank, returns all datasets. Takes a string or vector of strings.

Options are one of, or a combination of: "demographics", "economic-fiscal", "government", "elections", "policy_ideology", "criminal justice", "education", "healthcare", "welfare", "rights", "environment", "drug-alcohol", "gun control", "labor", "transportation", "misc. regulation"


Default is NULL. If left blank, returns all states. Takes a string or vector of strings of state abbreviations. Use to load state abbreviations into the R environment.


Default is NULL. If left blank, returns all years. Coverage begins at 1900 and runs to 2019. However, coverage depends on the specific variable – see get_var_info.

Input can be a vector of years (or a singular year), such as c(2000, 2001, 2002, 2012) or seq(2000, 2012).


Default is FALSE. If TRUE, merge the core CSPP data (approximately 70 common and important variables) with the search result.


Default is NULL. One of "csv", "dta", "rdata". Optional parameter for writing the resulting dataframe to a file.


The directory to write the file to. Default is blank, so writes to working directory. Exclude final slash: e.g., path = "dir1/dir2"

See Also

get_var_info, get_cites, generate_map


## returns full dataset
data <- get_cspp_data()

## use variable names from get_var_info
data <- get_cspp_data(vars = get_var_info(var_names="pctpop")$variable)

## return subsets
# note: this returns the specific variables listed as well as those in the
# var_category argument
data <- get_cspp_data(vars = c("sess_length", "hou_majority", "term_length"),
                      var_category = "demographics",
                      states = c("NC", "VA", "GA"),
                      years = seq(1995, 2004))

[Package cspp version 0.3.3 Index]