Biomarker Confirmation, Selection, Modelling, Prediction, and Validation

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Documentation for package ‘csmpv’ version 1.0.3

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confirmVars Biomarker Confirmation Function
csmpvModelling All-in-one Modelling with csmpv R package
datlist This is an example data in csmpv
LASSO2 Variable Selection using Modified LASSO with a Minimum of Two Remaining Variables
LASSO2plus Variable Selection and Modeling with LASSO2plus
LASSO2plus_XGBtraining XGBoost Modeling after Variable Selection with LASSO2plus
LASSO2_predict Predict and Validate LASSO2 Model Scores
LASSO2_reg LASSO2 Variable Selection and Regular Regression Modeling
LASSO2_XGBtraining Variable Selection with LASSO2 and Modeling with XGBoost
LASSO_plus LASSO_plus Variable Selection and Modeling
LASSO_plus_XGBtraining LASSO_plus_XGBtraining: Variable Selection and XGBoost Modeling
rms_model A Wrapper for Building Predictive Models using the rms Package
validation Validate Model Predictions
XGBtraining A Wrapper Function for xgboost::xgboost
XGBtraining_predict Predicting XGBoost Model Scores and Performing Validation
XGpred XGpred: Building Risk Classification Predictive Models using Survival Data
XGpred_predict Predicting Risk Group Classification for a New Data Set