Designing Cluster-Randomized Trials with Two Co-Primary Outcomes

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Documentation for package ‘crt2power’ version 1.0.0

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calc_K_comb_outcome Calculate required number of clusters per treatment group for a cluster-randomized trial with co-primary endpoints using a combined outcomes approach.
calc_K_conj_test Calculate required number of clusters per treatment group for a cluster-randomized trial with co-primary endpoints using the conjunctive intersection-union test approach.
calc_K_disj_2dftest Calculate required number of clusters per treatment group for a cluster-randomized trial with co-primary endpoints using a disjunctive 2-DF test approach.
calc_K_pval_adj Calculate required number of clusters per treatment group for a cluster-randomized trial with co-primary endpoints using three common p-value adjustment methods
calc_K_single_1dftest Calculate required number of clusters per treatment group for a cluster-randomized trial with co-primary endpoints using the single 1-DF combined test approach.
calc_m_comb_outcome Calculate cluster size for a cluster-randomized trial with co-primary endpoints using a combined outcomes approach.
calc_m_conj_test Calculate cluster size for a cluster-randomized trial with co-primary endpoints using the conjunctive intersection-union test approach.
calc_m_disj_2dftest Calculate cluster size for a cluster-randomized trial with co-primary endpoints using a disjunctive 2-DF test approach.
calc_m_pval_adj Calculate cluster size for a cluster-randomized trial with co-primary endpoints using three common p-value adjustment methods
calc_m_single_1dftest Calculate cluster size for a cluster-randomized trial with co-primary endpoints using the single 1-DF combined test approach.
calc_ncp_chi2 Find the non-centrality parameter corresponding to Type I error rate and statistical power
calc_pwr_comb_outcome Calculate statistical power for a cluster-randomized trial with co-primary endpoints using a combined outcomes approach.
calc_pwr_conj_test Calculate statistical power for a cluster-randomized trial with co-primary endpoints using the conjunctive intersection-union test approach.
calc_pwr_disj_2dftest Calculate statistical power for a cluster-randomized trial with co-primary endpoints using a disjunctive 2-DF test approach.
calc_pwr_pval_adj Calculate statistical power for a cluster-randomized trial with co-primary endpoints using three common p-value adjustment methods
calc_pwr_single_1dftest Calculate statistical power for a cluster-randomized trial with co-primary endpoints using the single 1-DF combined test approach.
run_crt2_design Find study design output specifications based on all five CRT co-primary design methods.