boonah |
SILO weather data extracted for Boonah SE Queensland |
crop |
Crop data containing hypothetical sowing flowering and harvest dates |
cumulative |
Sum of a weather variable between between two dates |
daily_mean |
Mean of daily weather variable values between two dates |
date_from_day_year |
Calculate a date from the day of the year and the year |
day_of_harvest |
The day of harvest in the year of sowing |
day_of_year |
Calculate day of year from a date |
get_multi_silodata |
Retrieve SILO data for multiple sites from Qld DES longpaddock website |
get_silodata |
Retrieve weather data from Queensland Government DES longpaddock website |
growing_degree_days |
Degree days as the sum of capped average daily temperature above a baseline value |
number_of_days |
The number of days between two dates |
stress_days_over |
The number of days that maximum temp is over a baseline value |
two_sites |
SILO weather data extracted for two arbitrary sites |
weather_extract |
Extract one or more columns of weather data between two dates |