Structural Crystallography in 1d

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Documentation for package ‘crone’ version 0.1.1

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anomalous_data Theoretical scattering factors for all atomic species
atoms Atom names and atomic number
atom_gauss Gaussian atom
choose_a Suggests unit cell side, a, based on atom content
diffraction Simulation of 1D diffraction pattern
erf Error function for real values
expand_to_cell Expand content of asymmetric unit to whole unit cell
fluorescent_scan Find optimal wavelength for anomalous phasing
fousynth From structure factors to density using Fourier synthesis
heaviside Heaviside function (step function)
invfousynth From density to structure factors using inverse Fourier synthesis
kgauss Constant normalizing wrapped gaussian
load_anomalous_data Load anomalous data for a specific chemical element
load_data Load observed structure factors from 1D structure data in workspace.
load_structure Load 1D structure data in workspace.
local_maxima Find local maxima in a vector of real values.
plot_absorption_curves Plot of absorption curves
read_h Read data from a reflections file
read_x Read unit cell content (atom and coordinates).
reduce_to_asu Reduce content of unit cell to asymmetric unit.
scafac Scattering factor for 1D gaussian atoms
sfobs Generation of structure factors with errors
standardise_fdata Standardise reflections data
standardise_sdata Organise atom data in a standard format for later use
structure_gauss Structure of gaussian atoms
strufac Calculation of structure factors
write_h Write structure factors to a reflections file
write_x Write atomic coordinates to a file.