PseudoSimulations-class {crmPack}R Documentation

This is a class which captures the trial simulations from designs using pseudo model. The design for DLE only responses and model from ModelTox class object. It contains all slots from GeneralSimulations object. Additional slots fit and stopReasons compared to the general class GeneralSimulations.


This is a class which captures the trial simulations from designs using pseudo model. The design for DLE only responses and model from ModelTox class object. It contains all slots from GeneralSimulations object. Additional slots fit and stopReasons compared to the general class GeneralSimulations.



list of the final values. If samples are involved, these are the final fitted values. If no samples are involved, these are included the final modal estimates of the model parameters and the posterior estimates of the probabilities of the occurrence of a DLE.


the vector of all final estimates (the last estimate of) the TDtargetDuringTrial at the end of each simultaions/when each trial stops


vector of all final estimates or the last estimate of the TDtargetEndOfTrial when each trial stops


vector of the dose levels at dose grid closest below the final TDtargetDuringTrial estimates


vector of the dose levels at dose grid closest below the final TDtargetEndOfTrial estimates


is the list of all 95% credibility interval of the final estimates of the TDtargetEndOfTrial


is the vector of the ratios of the CI, the raatio of the upper to the lower 95% credibility intervals of the final estimates of the TDtargetEndOfTrial


list of all the final 95% credibility intervals of the TDtargetEndofTrial estimates or of the final optimal dose estimates when DLE and efficacy responses are incorporated after each simulations


vector of all the final ratios, the ratios of the upper to the lower 95% credibility interval of the final estimates of the TDtargetEndOfTrial or of the final optimal dose estiamtes (when DLE and efficacy responses are incorporated) after each simulations


todo: add slot description

[Package crmPack version 1.0.6 Index]