capitalize_words |
Capitalizes the first letter of every word |
indicate_outliers |
Creates new columns to indicate which values are outliers based on the average value. |
make_average_graph |
Create a line graph with 95% confidence interval bars |
make_barplots |
Make a nice-looking barplot. |
make_desc_stats_table |
Create a descriptive statistics table from numeric variables |
make_latex_tables |
Creates a .tex file with LaTeX code to create a table from an R data.frame. |
make_mean_median_mode_table_by_group |
Create a table showing the mean, median, and mode of a certain column |
make_mean_std_dev_by_group_table |
Get mean and standard deviation of variables by group |
make_n_and_percent_table |
Make a table showing the number (n) and percent of the population (e.g. % of nrow()) for each value in a variable(s). |
make_regression_graph |
Make a graph of coefficient values and 95 percent confidence interval for regression. |
make_regression_table |
Turns regression results in a data.frame for easy conversion to a table |
make_state_abb |
Returns abbreviations of state name input. |
make_stat_count_plots |
Make a nice-looking stat_count (similar to barplot) plot. |
pad_decimals |
Pad decimal places with trailing zeros. |
scale_color_crim |
A set of colorblind friendly colors for graphs. |
scale_fill_crim |
A set of colorblind friendly fill colors for graphs. |
scale_linetype_crim |
A set of linetypes |
scatterplot_data_graph |
Create a PDF with one scatterplot for each group in the data. |
theme_crim |
A minimalist theme designed for graphics in academic research |
time_series_data_graph |
Create a PDF with one time-series graph for each group in the data. |
ucr_constant_reporter_oris |
Get ORIs that consistently report their data every year. |