plot_oot_perf {creditmodel} | R Documentation |
is for ploting performance of cross time samples in the future
is for ploting performance of cross time samples in the future
k = 3,
g = 10,
period = "month",
best = FALSE,
equal_bins = TRUE,
pl = "rate",
breaks = NULL,
cut_bin = "equal_depth",
gtitle = NULL,
perf_dir_path = NULL,
save_data = FALSE,
plot_show = TRUE
dat_test |
A data frame of testing dataset with predicted prob or score. |
x |
The name of prob or score variable. |
occur_time |
The name of the variable that represents the time at which each observation takes place. |
target |
The name of target variable. |
k |
If period is NULL, number of equal frequency samples. |
g |
Number of breaks for prob or score. |
period |
OOT period, 'weekly' and 'month' are available.if NULL, use k equal frequency samples. |
best |
Logical, merge initial breaks to get optimal breaks for binning. |
equal_bins |
Logical, generates initial breaks for equal frequency or width binning. |
pl |
'lift' is for lift chart plot,'rate' is for positive rate plot. |
breaks |
Splitting points of prob or score. |
cut_bin |
A string, if equal_bins is TRUE, 'equal_depth' or 'equal_width', default is 'equal_depth'. |
gtitle |
The title of the graph & The name for periodically saved graphic file. |
perf_dir_path |
The path for periodically saved graphic files. |
save_data |
Logical, save results in locally specified folder. Default is FALSE. |
plot_show |
Logical, show model performance in current graphic device. Default is TRUE. |
sub = cv_split(UCICreditCard, k = 30)[[1]]
dat = UCICreditCard[sub,]
dat = re_name(dat, "", "target")
x_list = c("PAY_0", "LIMIT_BAL", "PAY_AMT5", "PAY_3", "PAY_2")
dat = data_cleansing(dat, target = "target", obs_id = "ID",x_list = x_list,
occur_time = "apply_date", miss_values = list("", -1))
dat = process_nas(dat)
train_test = train_test_split(dat, split_type = "OOT", prop = 0.7,
occur_time = "apply_date")
dat_train = train_test$train
dat_test = train_test$test
Formula = as.formula(paste("target", paste(x_list, collapse = ' + '), sep = ' ~ '))
lr_model = glm(Formula, data = dat_train[, c("target", x_list)], family = binomial(logit))
dat_train$pred_LR = round(predict(lr_model, dat_train[, x_list], type = "response"), 5)
dat_test$pred_LR = round(predict(lr_model, dat_test[, x_list], type = "response"), 5)
plot_oot_perf(dat_test = dat_test, occur_time = "apply_date", target = "target", x = "pred_LR")