multi_grid {creditmodel} | R Documentation |
Arrange list of plots into a grid
Plot multiple ggplot-objects as a grid-arranged single plot.
multi_grid(..., grobs = list(...), nrow = NULL, ncol = NULL)
... |
Other parameters. |
grobs |
A list of ggplot-objects to be arranged into the grid. |
nrow |
Number of rows in the plot grid. |
ncol |
Number of columns in the plot grid. |
This function takes a list
of ggplot-objects as argument.
Plotting functions of this package that produce multiple plot
objects (e.g., when there is an argument facet.grid
) usually
return multiple plots as list.
An object of class gtable
sub = cv_split(UCICreditCard, k = 30)[[1]]
dat = UCICreditCard[sub,]
dat = re_name(dat, "", "target")
dat = data_cleansing(dat, target = "target", obs_id = "ID",
occur_time = "apply_date", miss_values = list("", -1))
dat = process_nas(dat)
train_test = train_test_split(dat, split_type = "OOT", prop = 0.7,
occur_time = "apply_date")
dat_train = train_test$train
dat_test = train_test$test
x_list = c("PAY_0", "LIMIT_BAL", "PAY_AMT5", "PAY_3", "PAY_2")
Formula = as.formula(paste("target", paste(x_list, collapse = ' + '), sep = ' ~ '))
lr_model = glm(Formula, data = dat_train[, c("target", x_list)], family = binomial(logit))
dat_train$pred_LR = round(predict(lr_model, dat_train[, x_list], type = "response"), 5)
dat_test$pred_LR = round(predict(lr_model, dat_test[, x_list], type = "response"), 5)
# model evaluation
p1 = ks_plot(train_pred = dat_train, test_pred = dat_test, target = "target", score = "pred_LR")
p2 = roc_plot(train_pred = dat_train, test_pred = dat_test, target = "target", score = "pred_LR")
p3 = lift_plot(train_pred = dat_train, test_pred = dat_test, target = "target", score = "pred_LR")
p4 = score_distribution_plot(train_pred = dat_train, test_pred = dat_test,
target = "target", score = "pred_LR")
p_plots= multi_grid(p1,p2,p3,p4)
[Package creditmodel version 1.3.1 Index]