A Toolbox for Using the CPS’s Voting and Registration Supplement

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Documentation for package ‘cpsvote’ version 0.1.0

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cps_2016_10k A sample of the raw 2016 CPS dataset
cps_allyears_10k A sample of the full CPS dataset
cps_cols Sample column specifications for reading CPS data
cps_download_data Download CPS microdata
cps_download_docs Download CPS technical documentation
cps_factors Sample factor specifications for reading CPS data
cps_label Apply factor levels to raw CPS data
cps_load_basic load some basic/default CPS data into the environment
cps_read Read in CPS data
cps_read_year Load a single CPS file
cps_recode_vote recode the voting variable for turnout calculations
cps_refactor combine factor levels across years
cps_reweight Calculations to reweight properly for voter turnout
cps_reweight_turnout apply weight correction for voter turnout
na_ifin vectorized 'na_if'