Conditional Probit Model for Analysing Continuous Outcomes

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Documentation for package ‘cprobit’ version 1.0.2

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bg_variability Inpatient blood glucose data for 1200 patients
compile_est Inpernal function: generate commonly used summary statistics for estimates.
cprobit Apply the three-step workflow for the analysis of two repeated outcomes from each subject
cprobit_step1 Inpernal function: step 1 of the proposed workflow
estimate_sd_error Inpernal function: estimate the SD of error terms in the difference model
geom_mean Inpernal function: compute geometric mean of a positive variable
get_v Inpernal function: compute difference in the (transformed) outcome
make_design_mat Inpernal function: construct design matrix without the intercept term.
print.cprobit Apply the three-step workflow for the analysis of two repeated outcomes from each subject
profile_llh Inpernal function: profile log-likelihood of lambda
summary.cprobit Apply the three-step workflow for the analysis of two repeated outcomes from each subject
update_estimate Inpernal function: update Step 1 estimates to obtain linear exposure effect on (transformed) outcome