Control Polygon Reduction

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Documentation for package ‘cpr’ version 0.4.0

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bsplineD B-spline Derivatives
bsplines B-Splines
btensor btensor
build_tensor Build Tensor
cn Control Nets
cn.cpr_bt Control Nets
cn.formula Control Nets
cnr Control Net Reduction
coarsen_ordinate Defunct Functions
coef_vcov Extract Regression Coefficients for B-Splines and Tensor Products of B-splines
cp Control Polygons
cp.cpr_bs Control Polygons
cp.formula Control Polygons
cpr Control Polygon Reduction
cpr-defunct Defunct Functions
cp_diff Vertical Difference between two Control Polygons
cp_value Control Polygon Value
d_order_statistic Distribution of Order Statistics
generate_cp_formula_data Generate Control Polygon Formula and Data
get_spline Get the Control Polygon and the Spline Function
get_surface Get Surface
hat_ordinate Defunct Functions
iknots_or_df Internal Knots or Degrees of Freedom
influence_of Defunct Functions
influence_of_iknots Determine the influence of the internal knots of a control polygon
influence_of_iknots.cpr_cn Determine the influence of the internal knots of a control polygon
influence_weights Defunct Functions
insertion_matrix Defunct Functions
insert_a_knot Insert a Knot into a Control Polygon
knot_expr Knot Expressions
loglikelihood Determine the (quasi) Log Likelihood for a regression object.
matrix_rank Rank of a Matrix
newknots New Knots for CPs and CNs in CPR and CNR
order_statistics Distribution of Order Statistics
plot.cpr_bs Plot B-spline Basis
plot.cpr_cn Plotting Control Nets
plot.cpr_cnr Control Net Reduction Plots
plot.cpr_cp Plotting Control Polygons
plot.cpr_cpr Control Polygon Reduction Plots
plot.cpr_summary_cpr_cpr Plotting Summaries of Control Polygon Reductions
predict.cpr_cp Model Prediction
print.cpr_bs Print bsplines
p_order_statistic Distribution of Order Statistics
refine_ordinate Defunct Functions
sign_changes Sign Changes
spdg Simulated Pregnanediol glucuronide (PDG) Data
summary.cpr_cn Summary of Control Net
summary.cpr_cnr Summarize Control Net Reduction Objects
summary.cpr_cp Summarize a Control Polygon Object
summary.cpr_cpr Summarize a Control Polygon Reduction Object
trimmed_quantile Trimmed Quantiles
update_bsplines Update bsplines or btensor calls
update_btensor Update bsplines or btensor calls
us_covid_cases United States Laboratory Confirmed COVID-19 Cases
wiegh_iknots Defunct Functions
wiggle Wiggliness of a Spline function