cpop {cpop}R Documentation

Find the best segmentation of data for a change-in-slope model


The CPOP algorithm fits a change-in-slope model to data.


  x = 1:length(y) - 1,
  grid = x,
  beta = 2 * log(length(y)),
  sd = sqrt(mean(diff(diff(y))^2)/6),
  minseglen = 0,
  prune.approx = FALSE



A vector of length n containing the data.


A vector of length n containing the locations of y. Default value is NULL, in which case the locations x = 1:length(y)-1 are assumed.


An ordered vector of possible locations for the change points. If this is NULL, then this is set to x, the vector of times/locations of the data points.


A positive real value for the penalty incurred for adding a changepoint (prevents over-fitting). Default value is 2*log(length(y)).


Estimate of residual standard deviation. Can be a single numerical value or a vector of values for the case of varying standard deviation. Default value is sd = sqrt(mean(diff(diff(y))^2)/6).


The minimum allowable segment length, i.e. distance between successive changepoints. Default is 0.


Only relevant if a minimum segment length is set. If True, cpop will use an approximate pruning algorithm that will speed up computation but may occasionally lead to a sub-optimal solution in terms of the estimate change point locations. If the minimum segment length is 0, then an exact pruning algorithm is possible and is used.


The CPOP algorithm fits a change-in-slope model to data. It assumes that we have we have data points \((y_1,x_1),\ldots,(y_n,x_n)\), ordered so that \(x_1 < x_2 < \cdots < x_n\). For example \(x_i\) could be a time-stamp of when response \(y_i\) is obtained. We model the response, \(y\), as a signal plus noise where the signal is modelled as a continuous piecewise linear function of \(x\). That is \[y_i=f(x_i)+\epsilon_i\] where \(f(x)\) is a continuous piecewise linear function.

To estimate the function \(f(x)\) we specify a set of \(N\) grid points, \(g_{1:N}\) with these ordered so that \(g_i < g_j\) if and only if \(i < j\), and allow the slope of \(f(x)\) to only change at these grid points. We then estimate the number of changes, the location of the changes, and hence the resulting function \(f(x)\) by minimising a penalised weighted least squares criteria. This criteria includes a term which measures fit to the data, which is calculated as the sum of the square residuals of the fitted function, scaled by the variance of the noise. The penalty is proportional to the number of changes.

That is our estimated function will depend on \(K\), the number of changes in slope, their locations, \(\tau_1,\ldots,\tau_K\), and the value of the function \(f(x)\) at these change points, \(\alpha_1,\ldots,\alpha_K\), and its values, \(\alpha_0\) at \(\tau_0 < x_1\) and \(\alpha_{K+1}\) at some \(\tau_{K+1} > x_N\). The CPOP algorithm then estimates \(K\), \(\tau_{1:K}\) and \(\alpha_{0:K+1}\) as the values that solve the following minimisation problem \[\min_{K,\tau_{1:K}\in g_{1:N}, \alpha_{0:K+1} }\left\lbrace\sum_{i=1}^n \frac{1}{\sigma^2_i} \left(y_i - \alpha_{j(i)}-(\alpha_{j(i)+1}- \alpha_{j(i)})\frac{x_i-\tau_{j(i)}}{\tau_{j(i)+1}-\tau_{j(i)}}\right)^2+K\beta\right\rbrace\]

where \(\sigma^2_1,\ldots,\sigma^2_n\) are the variances of the noise \(\epsilon_i\) for \(i=1,\ldots,n\), and \(\beta\) is the penalty for adding a changepoint. The sum in this expression is the weighted residual sum of squares, and the \(K\beta\) term is the penalty for having \(K\) changes.

If we know, or have a good estimate of, the residual variances, and the noise is (close to) independent over time then an appropriate choice for the penalty is \(\beta=2 \log n\), and this is the default for CPOP. However in many applications these assumptions will not hold and it is advised to look at segmentations for different value of \(\beta\) – this is possible using CPOP with the CROPS algorithm cpop.crops. Larger values of \(\beta\) will lead to functions with fewer changes. Also there is a trade-off between the variances of the residuals and \(\beta\): e.g. if we double the variances and half the value of \(\beta\) we will obtain the same estimates for the number and location of the changes and the underlying function.


An instance of an S4 class of type cpop.class.


Fearnhead P, Maidstone R, Letchford A (2019). “Detecting Changes in Slope With an L0 Penalty.” Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics, 28(2), 265-275. doi:10.1080/10618600.2018.1512868.

Fearnhead P, Grose D (2024). “cpop: Detecting Changes in Piecewise-Linear Signals.” Journal of Statistical Software, 109(7), 1–30. doi:10.18637/jss.v109.i07.



# simulate data with change in gradient
x <- (1:50/5)^2
y <- simchangeslope(x,changepoints=c(10,50),change.slope=c(0.25,-0.25),sd=1)
# analyse using cpop
res <- cpop(y,x)
p <- plot(res)
# generate the "true" mean
mu <- simchangeslope(x,changepoints=c(10,50),change.slope=c(0.25,-0.25),sd=0)
# add the true mean to the plot
p <- p + geom_line(aes(y = mu), color = "blue", linetype = "dotted")

# heterogeneous data
sd <- (1:50)/25
y <- simchangeslope(x,changepoints=c(10,50),change.slope=c(0.25,-0.25),sd=sd)

# analysis assuming constant noise standard deviation
res <- cpop(y,x,beta=2*log(length(y)),sd=sqrt(mean(sd^2)))
p <- plot(res)

# analysis with the true noise standard deviation
res.true <- cpop(y,x,beta=2*log(length(y)),sd=sd)
p <- plot(res.true)

# add the true mean to the plot
p <- p + geom_line(aes(y = mu), color = "blue", linetype = "dotted")

[Package cpop version 1.0.7 Index]