cpm.all {cpfa}R Documentation

Wrapper for Calculating Classification Performance Measures


Applies function cpm to multiple sets of class labels. Each set of class labels is evaluated against the same set of predicted labels. Works with output from function predict.tunecpfa and calculates classification performance measures for multiple classifiers or numbers of components.


cpm.all(x, y,  ...)



A data frame where each column contains a set of known class labels of class numeric, factor, or integer. If a set is of class factor, that set is converted to class integer in the order of factor levels with integers beginning at 0 (i.e., for binary classification, factor levels become 0 and 1; for multiclass, levels become 0, 1, 2, etc.).


Predicted class labels of class numeric, factor, or integer. If factor, converted to class integer in order of factor levels with integers beginning at 0 (i.e., for binary classification, factor levels become 0 and 1; for multiclass, 0, 1, 2, etc.).


Additional arguments to be passed to function cpm for calculating classification performance measures.


Wrapper function that applies function cpm to multiple sets of class labels and one set of predicted labels. See help file for function cpm for additional details.


Returns a list with the following two elements:


A list of confusion matrices, denoted cm, where each confusion matrix is associated with one comparison.


A data frame containing classification performance measures where each row contains measures for one comparison.


Matthew Snodgress <snodg031@umn.edu>


Sokolova, M. and Lapalme, G. (2009). A systematic analysis of performance measures for classification tasks. Information Processing and Management, 45(4), 427-437.


########## Parafac example with 3-way array and binary response ##########

# set seed and specify dimensions of a three-way tensor
mydim <- c(10, 11, 80)
nf <- 3

# create correlation matrix between response and third mode's weights 
rho.cc <- .35 
rho.cy <- .75 
cormat.values <- c(1, rho.cc, rho.cc, rho.cy, rho.cc, 1, rho.cc, rho.cy, 
                   rho.cc, rho.cc, 1, rho.cy, rho.cy, rho.cy, rho.cy, 1)
cormat <- matrix(cormat.values, nrow = (nf + 1), ncol = (nf + 1))

# sample from a multivariate normal with specified correlation structure
ymean <- Cmean <- 2
mu <- as.matrix(c(Cmean, Cmean, Cmean, ymean))
eidecomp <- eigen(cormat, symmetric = TRUE)
L.sqrt <- diag(eidecomp$values^0.5)
cormat.sqrt <- eidecomp$vectors %*% L.sqrt %*% t(eidecomp$vectors)
Z <- matrix(rnorm(mydim[3] * (nf + 1)), nrow = mydim[3], ncol = (nf + 1))
Xw <- rep(1, mydim[3]) %*% t(mu) + Z %*% cormat.sqrt
Cmat <- Xw[, 1:nf]

# create a random three-way data tensor with C weights related to a response
Amat <- matrix(rnorm(mydim[1] * nf), nrow = mydim[1], ncol = nf)
Bmat <- matrix(runif(mydim[2] * nf), nrow = mydim[2], ncol = nf)
Xmat <- tcrossprod(Amat, krprod(Cmat, Bmat))
Xmat <- array(Xmat, dim = mydim)
Emat <- array(rnorm(prod(mydim)), dim = mydim)
Emat <- nscale(Emat, 0, ssnew = sumsq(Xmat))  
X <- Xmat + Emat

# create a binary response by dichotomizing at the specified response mean
y <- factor(as.numeric(Xw[ , (nf + 1)] > ymean))

# initialize
alpha <- seq(0, 1, length = 2)
gamma <- c(0, 0.01)
cost <- c(1, 2)
method <- c("PLR", "SVM")
family <- "binomial"
parameters <- list(alpha = alpha, gamma = gamma, cost = cost)
model <- "parafac"
nfolds <- 3
nstart <- 3

# constrain first mode weights to be orthogonal
const <- c("orthog", "uncons", "uncons")

# fit Parafac models and use third mode to tune classification methods
tune.object <- tunecpfa(x = X, y = y, model = model, nfac = nf, 
                        nfolds = nfolds, method = method, family = family, 
                        parameters = parameters, parallel = FALSE, 
                        const = const, nstart = nstart)
# create new data with Parafac structure and C weights related to response
mydim.new <- c(10, 11, 20)
Znew <- matrix(rnorm(mydim.new[3] * (nf + 1)), 
               nrow = mydim.new[3], ncol = (nf + 1))
Xwnew <- rep(1, mydim.new[3]) %*% t(mu) + Znew %*% cormat.sqrt
Cmatnew <- Xwnew[, 1:nf]
Xnew0 <- tcrossprod(Amat, krprod(Cmatnew, Bmat))
Xnew0 <- array(Xnew0, dim = mydim.new)
Ematnew <- array(rnorm(prod(mydim.new)), dim = mydim.new)
Ematnew <- nscale(Ematnew, 0, ssnew = sumsq(Xnew0))  
Xnew <- Xnew0 + Ematnew

# create new random class labels for two levels
newlabel <- as.numeric(Xwnew[, (nf + 1)] > ymean)

# predict class labels
predict.labels <- predict(object = tune.object, newdata = Xnew, 
                          type = "response")
# calculate performance measures for predicted class labels
evalmeasure <- cpm.all(x = predict.labels, y = newlabel)

# print performance measures

[Package cpfa version 1.1-4 Index]