Contextualizing Tests

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Documentation for package ‘covtracer’ version 0.0.1

Help Pages Coerce a list_of_srcref object to a data.frame
as.package A simple alternative to 'devtools::as.package'
as_list_of_srcref Create an S3 list of srcref objects
as_list_of_srcref.environment Create an S3 list of srcref objects
as_list_of_srcref.list Create an S3 list of srcref objects
as_testthat_desc Wrap object in test description derivation data
as_test_desc Wrap object in test description derivation data
coverage_check_has_recorded_tests Check that the coverage object retains testing information
coverage_get_tests Retrieve test traces from a coverage object
coverage_has_recorded_tests Test that the coverage object retains testing information
expr_str Convert an expression, call or symbol to a single-line string
flat_map_srcrefs Map 'srcrefs' over an iterable object, Filtering non-srcref results
format.list_of_srcref Format a list_of_srcref object
getSrcFilepath Get the full path to the srcref file
get_namespace_object_names Get namespace exports, filtering methods tables and definitions
is_srcref Test whether an object is a 'srcref' object
join_on_containing_srcrefs Join srcref data.frames by intersection of srcref spans
match_containing_srcrefs Match srcrefs against srcrefs that contain them
new_empty_test_trace_tally Build an empty covr-style test trace mapping
obj_namespace_name Get namespace export namespace name
package_check_has_keep_source Verify that the package collection contains srcref information
pkg_srcrefs Extract all the srcref objects of objects within a package namespace
pkg_srcrefs.character Extract all the srcref objects of objects within a package namespace
pkg_srcrefs.coverage Extract all the srcref objects of objects within a package namespace
pkg_srcrefs.environment Extract all the srcref objects of objects within a package namespace
pkg_srcrefs_df Create a data.frame of package srcref objects
Rd_df Create a tabular representation of man file information
srcrefs Retrieve 'srcref's
srcrefs.default Retrieve 'srcref's
srcrefs.environment Retrieve 'srcref's
srcrefs.list Retrieve 'srcref's
srcrefs.MethodDefinition Retrieve 'srcref's
srcrefs.namespace Retrieve 'srcref's
srcrefs.nonstandardGenericFunction Retrieve 'srcref's
srcrefs.R6ClassGenerator Retrieve 'srcref's
srcrefs.standardGeneric Retrieve 'srcref's
srcref_expr Parse the expression associated with a srcref
srcref_str Convert a srcref into a string
test_description Parse a test description from the calling expression
test_description_test_that Parse the test description from a 'test_that' call
test_description_test_that_describe Parse the test description from a 'describe' call
test_description_test_that_describe_it Parse the test description from a 'it' call
test_srcrefs Extract test srcref objects
test_srcrefs.coverage Extract test srcref objects
test_srcrefs_df Create a data.frame of coverage test srcref objects
test_trace_df Build a traceability matrix that links documented behaviors to unit tests
test_trace_df.coverage Build a traceability matrix that links documented behaviors to unit tests
test_trace_mapping Create a data.frame mapping tests to coverage traces
trace_srcrefs Extract srcref objects from coverage object traces
trace_srcrefs.coverage Extract srcref objects from coverage object traces
trace_srcrefs_df Create a data.frame of coverage trace srcref objects
with_pseudo_srcref For consistency, stub calls with srcref-like attributes