covid19sf_vaccine_geo {covid19sf} | R Documentation |
San Francisco COVID-19 Vaccines Given to San Franciscans by Geography
This dataset represents the COVID-19 vaccinations given to SF residents summarized by the geographic region of their residential address. All vaccines given to SF residents are included, no matter where the vaccination took place (the vaccine may have been administered in San Francisco or outside of San Francisco). Data provides counts for people who have received at least one dose and people who have completed a vaccine series. A vaccine series is complete after an individual has received both doses of a two-dose vaccine or one dose of a one-dose vaccine. More information about the data available here
An object class sf and data.frame with 8 variables.
- id
area id
- area_type
Area type, c("Analysis Neighborhood", "Summary")
- count_vaccinated_by_dph
Count of residents in the given geographic region who have received at least one dose administered by DPH
- count_vaccinated
Count of residents in the given geographic region who have received at least one dose regardless of who administered the vaccine
- count_series_completed
Count of residents in the given geographic region who have completed a vaccine series
- acs_population
2019 5-year American Community Survey population estimate for the given geographic region (all ages)
- percent_pop_series_completed
The total count of population that have complated a vaccine series by population estimate (acs_population)
- last_updated
Last update of the data in POSIXc format)
- geometry
The area polygon data)
The dataset contains a summary of covid19 vaccination in San Francisco by neighborhood
San Francisco, Department of Public Health - Population Health Division through San Francisco Opne Data protal website.
df <- covid19sf_vaccine_geo %>% filter(area_type == "Analysis Neighborhood")
plot(df[, c("percent_pop_series_completed", "geometry")],
main = "San Francisco - Percentage of Fully Vaccinated Population")