covid19sf_hospitalizations {covid19sf} | R Documentation |
San Francisco COVID-19 Hospitalizations
Count of COVID+ patients admitted to the hospital. Patients who are hospitalized and test positive for COVID-19 may be admitted to an acute care bed (a regular hospital bed), or an intensive care unit (ICU) bed. This data shows the daily total count of COVID+ patients in these two bed types, and the data reflects totals from all San Francisco Hospitals. More information about the data available here
An object class data.frame with 5 variables
- reportdate
date which case was recorded in YYYY-MM-DD format.
- hospital
The hospital which patients were admitted, currently it labeled under "All SF Hospitals"
- dphcategory
The type of hospitalization bed, either an acute care bed (a regular hospital bed), or an intensive care unit (ICU) bed
- covidstatus
The patient diagnostic, either PUI (Patient Under Investigation) or COVID+ (positive case)
- patientcount
Daily cases count
Each record represents how many people were hospitalized on the date recorded in either an ICU bed or acute care bed (shown as Med/Surg under DPHCategory field)
San Francisco, Department of Public Health - Population Health Division through San Francisco Opne Data protal website.