Pulling Clean Data from Covid19india.org

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Documentation for package ‘covid19india’ version 0.1.4

Help Pages

check_for_data_correction Check for data corrections of X-times magnitude - data.table style
extract_latest Helper function
get_all_data Pull all covid19india count, test, and vaccine data for states and nation
get_cfr Calculate case_fataility rate
get_district_counts Pull covid19india district-level data
get_metrics_tables Create metrics tables
get_nat_counts Pull covid19india national time series data
get_nat_tests Pull covid19india national time series test data
get_r0 Calculate r0
get_r_est Helper function for pulling latest R estimates
get_state_counts Pull covid19india state
get_state_tests Pull covid19india state-level testing data
get_state_vax Pull covid19india state-level vaccine data
pop List of places, abbreviations, and populations in India