covdepGE {covdepGE}R Documentation

Covariate Dependent Graph Estimation


Model the conditional dependence structure of X as a function of Z as described in (1)


  Z = NULL,
  hp_method = "hybrid",
  ssq = NULL,
  sbsq = NULL,
  pip = NULL,
  nssq = 5,
  nsbsq = 5,
  npip = 5,
  ssq_mult = 1.5,
  ssq_lower = 1e-05,
  snr_upper = 25,
  sbsq_lower = 1e-05,
  pip_lower = 1e-05,
  pip_upper = NULL,
  tau = NULL,
  norm = 2,
  center_X = TRUE,
  scale_Z = TRUE,
  alpha_tol = 1e-05,
  max_iter_grid = 10,
  max_iter = 100,
  edge_threshold = 0.5,
  sym_method = "mean",
  parallel = FALSE,
  num_workers = NULL,
  prog_bar = TRUE



n×pn \times p numeric matrix; data matrix. For best results, nn should be greater than pp


NULL OR n×qn \times q numeric matrix; extraneous covariates. If NULL, Z will be treated as constant for all observations, i.e.:

Z <- rep(0, nrow(X))

If Z is constant, the estimated graph will be homogeneous throughout the data. NULL by default


character in c("grid_search","model_average","hybrid"); method for selecting hyperparameters from the the hyperparameter grid. The grid will be generated as the Cartesian product of ssq, sbsq, and pip. Fix XjX_j, the jj-th column of X, as the response; then, the hyperparameters will be selected as follows:

  • If "grid_search", the point in the hyperparameter grid that maximizes the total ELBO summed across all nn regressions will be selected

  • If "model_average", then all posterior quantities will be an average of the variational estimates resulting from the model fit for each point in the hyperparameter grid. The unnormalized averaging weights for each of the nn regressions are the exponentiated ELBO

  • If "hybrid", then models will be averaged over pip as in "model_average", with σ2\sigma^2 and σβ2\sigma_\beta^2 chosen for each π\pi in pip by maximizing the total ELBO over the grid defined by the Cartesian product of ssq and sbsq as in "grid_search"

"hybrid" by default


NULL OR numeric vector with positive entries; candidate values of the hyperparameter σ2\sigma^2 (prior residual variance). If NULL, ssq will be generated for each variable XjX_j fixed as the response as:

ssq <- seq(ssq_lower, ssq_upper, length.out = nssq)

NULL by default


NULL OR numeric vector with positive entries; candidate values of the hyperparameter σβ2\sigma_\beta^2 (prior slab variance). If NULL, sbsq will be generated for each variable XjX_j fixed as the response as:

sbsq <- seq(sbsq_lower, sbsq_upper, length.out = nsbsq)

NULL by default


NULL OR numeric vector with entries in (0,1)(0, 1); candidate values of the hyperparameter π\pi (prior inclusion probability). If NULL, pip will be generated for each variable XjX_j fixed as the response as:

pip <- seq(pip_lower, pi_upper, length.out = npip)

NULL by default


positive integer; number of points to generate for ssq if ssq is NULL. 5 by default


positive integer; number of points to generate for sbsq if sbsq is NULL. 5 by default


positive integer; number of points to generate for pip if pip is NULL. 5 by default


positive numeric; if ssq is NULL, then for each variable XjX_j fixed as the response:

ssq_upper <- ssq_mult * stats::var(X_j)

Then, ssq_upper will be the greatest value in ssq for variable XjX_j. 1.5 by default


positive numeric; if ssq is NULL, then ssq_lower will be the least value in ssq. 1e-5 by default


positive numeric; upper bound on the signal-to-noise ratio. If sbsq is NULL, then for each variable XjX_j fixed as the response:

s2_sum <- sum(apply(X, 2, stats::var))
sbsq_upper <- snr_upper / (pip_upper * s2_sum)

Then, sbsq_upper will be the greatest value in sbsq. 25 by default


positive numeric; if sbsq is NULL, then sbsq_lower will be the least value in sbsq. 1e-5 by default


numeric in (0,1)(0, 1); if pip is NULL, then pip_lower will be the least value in pip. 1e-5 by default


NULL OR numeric in (0,1)(0, 1); if pip is NULL, then pip_upper will be the greatest value in pip. If sbsq is NULL, pip_upper will be used to calculate sbsq_upper. If NULL, pip_upper will be calculated for each variable XjX_j fixed as the response as:

lasso <- glmnet::cv.glmnet(X, X_j)
non0 <- sum(glmnet::coef.glmnet(lasso, s = "lambda.1se")[-1] != 0)
non0 <- min(max(non0, 1), p - 1)
pip_upper <- non0 / p

NULL by default


NULL OR positive numeric OR numeric vector of length nn with positive entries; bandwidth parameter. Greater values allow for more information to be shared between observations. Allows for global or observation-specific specification. If NULL, use 2-step KDE methodology as described in (2) to calculate observation-specific bandwidths. NULL by default


numeric in [1,][1, \infty]; norm to use when calculating weights. Inf results in infinity norm. 2 by default


logical; if TRUE, center X column-wise to mean 00. TRUE by default


logical; if TRUE, center and scale Z column-wise to mean 00, standard deviation 11 prior to calculating the weights. TRUE by default


positive numeric; end CAVI when the Frobenius norm of the change in the alpha matrix is within alpha_tol. 1e-5 by default


positive integer; if tolerance criteria has not been met by max_iter_grid iterations during grid search, end CAVI. After grid search has completed, CAVI is performed with the final hyperparameters selected by grid search for at most max_iter iterations. Does not apply to hp_method = "model_average". 10 by default


positive integer; if tolerance criteria has not been met by max_iter iterations, end CAVI. 100 by default


numeric in (0,1)(0, 1); a graph for each observation will be constructed by including an edge between variable ii and variable jj if, and only if, the (i,j)(i, j) entry of the symmetrized posterior inclusion probability matrix corresponding to the observation is greater than edge_threshold. 0.5 by default


character in c("mean","max","min"); to symmetrize the posterior inclusion probability matrix for each observation, the (i,j)(i, j) and (j,i)(j, i) entries will be post-processed as sym_method applied to the (i,j)(i, j) and (j,i)(j, i) entries. "mean" by default


logical; if TRUE, hyperparameter selection and CAVI for each of the pp variables will be performed in parallel using foreach. Parallel backend may be registered prior to making a call to covdepGE. If no active parallel backend can be detected, then parallel backend will be automatically registered using:


FALSE by default


NULL OR positive integer less than or equal to parallel::detectCores(); argument to doParallel::registerDoParallel if parallel = TRUE and no parallel backend is detected. If NULL, then:

num_workers <- floor(parallel::detectCores() / 2)

NULL by default


logical; if TRUE, then a progress bar will be displayed denoting the number of remaining variables to fix as the response and perform CAVI. If parallel, no progress bar will be displayed. TRUE by default


Returns object of class covdepGE with the following values:


list with the following values:

  • graphs: list of nn numeric matrices of dimension p×pp \times p; the ll-th matrix is the adjacency matrix for the ll-th observation

  • unique_graphs: list; the ll-th element is a list containing the ll-th unique graph and the indices of the observation(s) corresponding to this graph

  • inclusion_probs_sym: list of nn numeric matrices of dimension p×pp \times p; the ll-th matrix is the symmetrized posterior inclusion probability matrix for the ll-th observation

  • inclusion_probs_asym: list of nn numeric matrices of dimension p×pp \times p; the ll-th matrix is the posterior inclusion probability matrix for the ll-th observation prior to symmetrization


list with the following values:

  • alpha: list of pp numeric matrices of dimension n×(p1)n \times (p - 1); the (i,j)(i, j) entry of the kk-th matrix is the variational approximation to the posterior inclusion probability of the jj-th variable in a weighted regression with variable kk fixed as the response, where the weights are taken with respect to observation ii

  • mu: list of pp numeric matrices of dimension n×(p1)n \times (p - 1); the (i,j)(i, j) entry of the kk-th matrix is the variational approximation to the posterior slab mean for the jj-th variable in a weighted regression with variable kk fixed as the response, where the weights are taken with respect to observation ii

  • ssq_var: list of pp numeric matrices of dimension n×(p1)n \times (p - 1); the (i,j)(i, j) entry of the kk-th matrix is the variational approximation to the posterior slab variance for the jj-th variable in a weighted regression with variable kk fixed as the response, where the weights are taken with respect to observation ii


list of pp lists; the jj-th list has the following values for variable jj fixed as the response:

  • grid: matrix of candidate hyperparameter values, corresponding ELBO, and iterations to converge

  • final: the final hyperparameters chosen by grid search and the ELBO and iterations to converge for these hyperparameters


list with the following values:

  • elapsed: amount of time to fit the model

  • n: number of observations

  • p: number of variables

  • ELBO: ELBO summed across all observations and variables. If hp_method is "model_average" or "hybrid", this ELBO is averaged across the hyperparameter grid using the model averaging weights for each variable

  • num_unique: number of unique graphs

  • grid_size: number of points in the hyperparameter grid

  • args: list containing all passed arguments of length 11


list with the following values:

  • weights: n×nn\times n numeric matrix. The (i,j)(i, j) entry is the similarity weight of the ii-th observation with respect to the jj-th observation using the jj-th observation's bandwidth

  • bandwidths: numeric vector of length nn. The ii-th entry is the bandwidth for the ii-th observation


(1) Sutanoy Dasgupta, Peng Zhao, Prasenjit Ghosh, Debdeep Pati, and Bani Mallick. An approximate Bayesian approach to covariate-dependent graphical modeling. pages 1–59, 2022.

(2) Sutanoy Dasgupta, Debdeep Pati, and Anuj Srivastava. A Two-Step Geometric Framework For Density Modeling. Statistica Sinica, 30(4):2155–2177, 2020.


## Not run: 

# get the data
data <- generateData()
X <- data$X
Z <- data$Z
interval <- data$interval
prec <- data$true_precision

# get overall and within interval sample sizes
n <- nrow(X)
n1 <- sum(interval == 1)
n2 <- sum(interval == 2)
n3 <- sum(interval == 3)

# visualize the distribution of the extraneous covariate
ggplot(data.frame(Z = Z, interval = as.factor(interval))) +
  geom_histogram(aes(Z, fill = interval), color = "black", bins = n %/% 5)

# visualize the true precision matrices in each of the intervals

# interval 1
matViz(prec[[1]], incl_val = TRUE) +
  ggtitle(paste0("True precision matrix, interval 1, observations 1,...,", n1))

# interval 2 (varies continuously with Z)
cat("\nInterval 2, observations ", n1 + 1, ",...,", n1 + n2, sep = "")
int2_mats <- prec[interval == 2]
int2_inds <- c(5, n2 %/% 2, n2 - 5)
lapply(int2_inds, function(j) matViz(int2_mats[[j]], incl_val = TRUE) +
         ggtitle(paste("True precision matrix, interval 2, observation", j + n1)))

# interval 3
matViz(prec[[length(prec)]], incl_val = TRUE) +
  ggtitle(paste0("True precision matrix, interval 3, observations ",
                 n1 + n2 + 1, ",...,", n1 + n2 + n3))

# fit the model and visualize the estimated graphs
(out <- covdepGE(X, Z))

# visualize the posterior inclusion probabilities for variables (1, 3) and (1, 2)
inclusionCurve(out, 1, 2)
inclusionCurve(out, 1, 3)

## End(Not run)

[Package covdepGE version 1.0.1 Index]