auto_melt {countries}R Documentation

Automatic pivoting of country and year columns to a long format


When at least 3 country names or years are found in the column names, the function will automatically transform the table from a wide to a long format by pivoting the country/year columns. This is equivalent to applying tidyr::pivot_longer() or data.table::melt() on the columns with years or countries as names. The function is able to detect years also when they are preceded by a prefix.


  names_to = "pivoted_colnames",
  values_to = "pivoted_data",
  verbose = TRUE,
  pivoting_info = FALSE



A data.frame object to check and pivot country or year columns.


String indicating how the column holding the name of the pivoted columns should be called in the output table. Default is "pivoted_colnames"


String indicating how the column containing the values of the pivoted columns should be called in the output table. Default is "pivoted_data"


Logical value. If set to TRUE (the default), a message will be displayed on the console indicating which columns are being pivoted. If set to FALSE, the messages are turned off.


Logical value indicating whether to return the list of names of the column that have been pivoted. Default is FALSE. If set to TRUE, the output will be a list instead of simple data.frame. Teh list will contain 1) the pivoted table, 2) the list of pivoted columns.


A table transformed into a "long" format by pivoting country or year columns. If year columns are found, a numeric column called "year_pivoted_colnames" is added isolating the years extracted from the table header's.

See Also

auto_merge, find_countrycol,find_timecol


# example data
example <- data.frame(Date = c("01.01.2019", "01.02.2019", "01.03.2019"),
                      Japan = 1:3,
                      Norway = 2:4,
                      Germany = 3:5,
                      US = 4:6)
example2 <- data.frame(Sector = c("Agriculture", "Mining", "Forestry"),
                       X2000 = 1:3,
                       X2001 = 2:4,
                       X2002 = 3:5,
                       X2003 = 4:6)

# examples pivotting countries and years from column names

[Package countries version 1.2.0 Index]